P. 123
outside the data network can call for the Czech
tariff. The automatic machine dials the nume-
ric code of the „room“ which connects the par-
ticipant to the meeting. This works great with
a hands-free device in the car and it is great for
traveling with a small data package. Naturally,
such functions are also offered by MS Teams;
for a fee you can also make calls on Skype.
I won‘t talk much about the third multiplat-
form giant, Facebook. Calling through its
applications is possible but Messenger cannot
handle group calls when sharing the screen.
However, the FB Workplace app is really
great. Imagine your private Facebook, in
which you are the master of every thread and
discussion. It can be used as a great forum in
a closed team - but it‘s not crucial for working
from home.
The above-mentioned applications are
undoubtedly excellent if you have at least
some experience with the basic settings of the
mentioned services. The easiest way is often to
open a bookmark in a web browser with a sa-
ved address, copy it to an email, send it to me-
eting participants and be sure of success wit-
hout calling to others, explaining who, where thing. The maximum number of concurrent vi-
and what needs to write to „make it work.“ deo calls cannot be found. We have tested 20
Without any registration I use the servi- participants. I think that‘s sufficient for most of
ces of and Thanks us. There is a simple intuitive application avai-
to the intuitive control, no great language lable for iOS and Android.
knowledge is required. However, in any case I Whereby is a service similar to Jitsi Meet. It is
recommend conducting a little training before free for 4 participants and it can be extended
using it. to 12 participants for relatively small amount
On its link, Jitsi Meet offers one per month and it is not a problem to expand
line to name the room and that‘s it. It has great the service further. Unlike the competing
features, usable even for one-way communi- service, only a small meeting can be conne-
cation. cted free of charge. So, why use it? This free
With the use of Youtube for online strea- competition is based on an open source code.
ming, you can stream your video call live to When consulting technicians on the „What
other users on the Internet. I like one small but types of SFP modules will we use for installation“
important tweak. Just like at school, you can topic, it is completely indifferent who could
raise a virtual hand and ask for the floor. The capture the result of the meeting. In the case
debate can be moderated; the call initiator can of Whereby, I know that this is a service of a
turn off the microphones and other combina- trusted Norwegian company with EEC rules.
tions of tweaks. It‘s not as perfect as in Adobe Norway is subject to EU rules, even if it is not a
Connect but using this simple link costs no- member of the EU, including the GDPR.