P. 124


          Of course, there are other services that want  participants. It is important to be able to save
        to install their client.                 the recording for later editing and making it
          ZOOM has become the American standard,  available to those who could not attend the
        which has also become domesticated in the  original session.
        winemaking world.                          The participant joins the scheduled mee-
          ZOOM offers the possibility of free connecti-  tings using the link he / she receives from the
        on of up to 100 participants or the possibility  host or by entering the meeting ID - JOIN ME-
        of moderating the conference via a national  ETING. They do not need to register. The first
        telephone number.                        time they run it on their PC, they install the
          The moderator (convener) organizes and  ZOOM component or launch the ZOOM appli-
        plans future meetings with the SCHEDULE A  cation on their smartphone or tablet. It is no-
        MEETING or  HOST A MEETING options and  thing complicated, it works perfectly. The free
        sends the link for the meeting or invitation to  version limits the duration of the conference
        a tasting to invited guests. The program also  to 40 minutes; the paid version has practically
        allows the RSVP (abbreviation of the French  no limits.
        phrase Répondez s‘il vous plaît, which means   Undoubtedly, there are other quality servi-
        „please confirm your participation“ ) option.  ces and new ones will appear as well. Hope-
          The moderator can share the content of his  fully, I have not forgotten any mass-available
        or her screen (including selected applications  and tried-and-tested conference service that
        and pictures, charts, tables or videos), „draw“  will help you keep in touch with colleagues,
        and annotate on a virtual whiteboard and has  clients and supporters of your winery during
        the ability to collectively control muting of  the quarantine measures. Wishing you good
        microphones, „call on“ individual participants  ideas, good luck, stable connection and the
        who log in, or e.g. disallow the use of video by  best antivirus protection! ƅ

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