P. 129
car in a large parking lot by the city swimming It is not possible for people to drive their
pool, which is closed in spring and autumn. own cars, it would cause traffic jams throu-
Then they get on our buses, which take them ghout the entire region. However, the local
from cellar to cellar, from vineyard to viney- roads leading from one village to another can
ard, along predetermined routes. Each bus is easily manage 18 to 24 buses a day.
accompanied by one of our employees from The cost of the pilgrimage is borne by our
production or marketing, including C-suite winery but over time we have started to apply
and a general manager. There is a wine tas- a qualification purchase limit of 6000 CZK /
ting commented on by a sommelier, cellar 240€ / $272 per year, i.e. about 40 bottles. We
master or winegrower at each bus stop. Zno- expect them to make another purchase during
vín Znojmo produces its wines in several tra- the pilgrimage; it is in a way our very strong
ditional historical wine cellars and distribution
only their finalization takes place channel, further
in a modern plant. The pilgrimage strengthened
over the wine cellars has 6 stops by a personal emotional bond.
and the pilgrimage over vineyards In the early evening, we unload our
has four but again it is associated wine-pilgrims back in the city, whe-
with nice tourist trips and walks. re they stay in hotels and boarding
One of unique tasting takes place houses, have a nice evening and the
in the border infantry cabin, which next day they will either go home or
is a multi-ton concrete bunker that go on a trip or sightseeing tour. The
resisted both bombing and artillery zero alcohol limit behind the wheel
fire. not only applies but it is also strictly