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of the wines would be 300 crowns (=2 bottles) downloaded via a QR code. We created this
higher. The customers who buy the collection digital assistant of Znovín together with Ge-
can thus enjoy the journey at home almost as neral Semantics, a creator of business systems
if they had come to Znojmo. They will sit in with artificial intelligence. The digital assistant
front of the screen and taste individual wines allows you to evaluate wines and write notes
and listen to the comments on them inclu- about them, send orders directly, return to or-
ded in videos, of course with nice views of the dered wines, choose from the always current
Znojmo autumn landscape and some Znovín range of wines and search for wines by variety,
operations, which are not normally accessible. year, vineyard or other parameters.
It allowed us to take travelers to places where However, the videos can be watched by
it is normally not possible. anyone, even those who have not yet orde-
Of course, people can also order wines indi- red any wines. The online system allows you
vidually or in any quantity, they neither have to taste wine at home, in a cottage, wherever
to order the entire tasting collection, nor do there is a mobile signal or fixed internet and
they have to limit themselves by ordering only where you take the wine with you. Whether
one bottle of the type. the customer divides the tasting into several
We shot a short spot for each wine and pla- parts or manages it at once is entirely up to
ced it next to the wine in the e-shop, so that them, although tasting should be done in a re-
the customer can find it all in one place. The sponsible, reasonable and moderate way.
„Asistent Znovín“ (the Znovín Assistant) Responses to online pilgrimages and tas-
application can also help with the selecti- tings are favorable in unison but we feel that
on and navigation. Those interested in it can both parties lack personal contact. Customers
find it at and it can also be send us photos and videos from small groups