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of friends and family members, showing they CONCLUSIONS
„e-pilgrimage“ - tasting wines and watching Znovín Znojmo had to assign a considerab-
videos. They really make us happy. They pro- le amount of money to create videos for the
ve we hit the target. However, the numbers online pilgrimage, although it carried out the
are also remarkable. Direct sales to customers maximum amount of work on its own. Ho-
who know us personally and at least someti- wever, don‘t be put off by the scope and quali-
mes take part in the pilgrimages are a crucial ty of these videos - become inspired by it.
item for Znovín. The videos were shot with camcorders and
We are forced to limit the actual pilgrimages DSLR cameras. Your small winery can ma-
by the capacity of the buses in which the tra- nage with one or two smartphones and a
velers move and above all, by the limited ca- free online editing program! What is more
pacity of the cellars. It has now stabilized at important is the idea!
6,500 to 8,000 passengers during each run. The proof is all short videos on the already
mentioned #tosivypijeme channel. Due to
Almost 50,000 visitors travelled with us the spontaneous setting, no one was thinking
on the Internet this autumn, at least by much about it there; they just took a mobile
watching some of the videos. It is certainly phone and recorded a video. Do it this time
a trend of this time but I don‘t think that too, introduce your winery, your vineyards,
social networks will take over our wine- your wines. Think about it whenever some-
-pilgrims who want to come to us. It is ra- thing interesting happens. At this time, you
ther another way of our communication. should be pressing grapes for straw wine -
Both parties lack active personal contact who has ever seen it? Show it! You are cutting
and we hope that the restrictions will di- your vineyard. In a few weeks, the grapevine
sappear in the near future. Virtual space will start to grow, then bloom.
will help to some extent but it will never Show it to your customers, even if you are in
replace the original character of the event. Znojmo and they are in Warsaw, Beijing, Hel-
Nevertheless, we are aware that it will still be sinki or Tokyo. Put the video on Youtube and
necessary to adjust the scenario of the pilgri- the link to your website. Communicate with
mage because we assume that the popularity the image and knit a comfortable, soft, really
of people meeting in large groups will dec- bushy marketing sweater from the individual
rease. threads. ƅ