P. 118


        tinue to make adjustments at half-time.
          Keep in mind, in life some things are earned
        and others are natural. Not everyone is a natu-
        ral ideator. However, you can work to eventu-
        ally “earn” empathy and communication skills.
        There is value in working toward something
        that doesn’t come naturally to you. I know that
        after going through a physical health transfor-

          I’m the least naturally healthy person the-
        re is. From thirty-two on, when I  gained ten
        pounds fast, I said, Uh oh. My grandfather died
        from heart disease and I feel like I’m built just
        like him. So, from thirty-two to thirty-eight,
        I had four different trainers. Let’s just say that
        didn’t work out. Still, It was more than what
        I was doing in my twenties. As I started to tra-
        vel more, the conversation of let’s get my he-
        alth together started hitting me like a drop in
        the bucket each time I thought about it. It was
        like a puff of smoke, or a small spark to a fire.  that most people’s time who say “oh that’s
          But then it clicked. I realized I needed a tea-  a waste of time”–their time is the least valua-
        mmate. Everyone needs a  team and no one   ble. It’s such a bad excuse. These free flowing
        can do it on their own. I now recognize that   conversations are how you get to ideas. Eve-
        I need a human to hold myself accountable,   ryone is so structured. School, being too re-
        a  teammate who knew she or he could de-  gimented, took away the creativity of many.
        pend on me, because the worst feeling is le-  “Long hours, excessive busyness, and lack of
        tting someone down.                      sleep have become a badge of honor for many
          I remember that day. I was thirty-eight go-  people these days,” they write. “Sustained ex-
        ing on thirty-nine. As I  boarded that plane   haustion is not a badge of honor, it’s a mark
        I decided…I’m doing this. And when I got off   of stupidity.”
        the plane, that’s what I did. Smoke to fire. Six   Now, as the unemployment rate hits histo-
        years of convos, five failed trainer attempts,   ric highs, small business owners are fighting
        and monthly conversations with myself. In the   for survival, and Americans are settling into
        days leading up to the plane ride multiple, dai-  an uncertain, pandemic-driven recession, the
        ly, quick thoughts. Smoke.               call to hustle and grind our way through it se-
          What do I want you to take from this? My   ems even more seductive. Is that the mantra
        mom says it all the time, she thinks she’s all   people should be following right now — or
        smoke and no fire. What I have is action. The   a toxic, illusory promise?
        question is, what is it in me that pushes me to   What I notice about myself is, I don’t con-
        act…because people get to ninety-nine and   form to norms. I’m willing to be flexible with
        they’re still trying to fix their issues.  time and my resources. I’m always listening
          I’m so tired of people not doing things be-  even though I talk a lot, which is why video
        cause they’re afraid of “wasting time”. I  find   conferencing works for me, I need to see the
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