P. 116
ended up bringing more than 12,000+ signups
in just 48 hours after the video debuted.
Suppose one digital marketing agency crea-
tes 800 pieces of social media content for a
price of $12, while another agency creates 500
pieces of content for the same price. Anyone
can deliver huge numbers but only experts
can deliver quality that best showcases your
brand in a competitive business environment
and that usually means less numbers, but
higher quality.
Gary encourages you to consider, before hi-
ring a digital marketing service provider, the
tenure. Look for a long-term collaboration
because the efforts you put into digital marke-
ting will not be reflected overnight. You have
to stay patient to reap the results. As you leave
all the digital marketing activities in the hands Forrester Research predicted in July that ad
of your agency, it is possible that the expected spending will decline by 25% this year and
results are not received, you can contact the won’t fully recover until at least 2023, but ad
agency to troubleshoot these problems and executive and brand guru Gary Vaynerchuk
move in a new direction or get support. With says the pandemic could create a permanent
an agent who comes for a short-term commit- shift away from stuffy, old-school advertising.
ment, this is not the case and you will end up “These agencies accustomed to big produc-
with risks to your small business. tions on TV, and then doing matching luggage
Through all these digital marketing strate- to that TV spot on digital for the last decade
gies, Gary Vee stands as an inspirational epi- were wrong, or at least wildly overpriced. They
tome for thousands of small business digital can‘t waste it the way they‘ve been wasting it
marketers. From his personal digital marketing especially in 2019, 2018 and 2017.”
journey, he has proven to be an amazing mar- But the shift away from overly priced pro-
keting leader. On whichever platform it may ductions will go “beyond the COVID effect,”
be, Gary focused on providing values to his according to Vaynerchuk, whose company is a
potential and present clients. full-service digital agency offering a portfolio
At ColorWhistle, Gary´s skilled digital mar- of services spanning strategy, creative, paid
keting specialists will understand the requi- media, influencer, and production work.
rements of your business and implement ex- “Let there be no confusion...this is a big deal.
cellent tactics that never violate search engine In Madison Avenue land, the cat is out of the
guidelines. bag. People are starting to understand the shift
As advertising budgets get slashed amid toward digital media and creative together for
the coronavirus pandemic, brands across business results versus TV and reporting.. And it
all industries are taking a hard look at the was a very ugly world for truth behind marke-
campaigns they’re investing in — many of ting spend. And I think it‘s starting to flesh out
which have paused production and taken or at least the early stages that will manifest
alternative routes to make an ad. over the next decade,” he said.