P. 96


                                                                 Over the last few years, new
                                                               technologies have been de-
                                                               veloping rapidly along with
                                                               the creation of new services
                                                               and tools, while at the same
                                                               time mobile internet has
                                                               become faster and cheaper.
                                                               Would you have even imagi-
                                                               ned a few years ago that in-
                                                               stead of a giant computer on
                                                               your desk and slow internet,
                                                               you would literally have the
                                                               digital world in the palm of
                                                               your hand today?
           If the customer always finds a different name,   Today‘s hypermobile times have completely
        different phone numbers and inaccurate or  changed the well-established ways of finding
        outdated information, this subconsciously  services, brands and companies..


        affects them. And the brain remembers. If you
        do not provide a truly unique service or you
        do not have above-standard customer service
        but you operate in a highly competitive envi-
        ronment, there is a high probability that your
        customers will gradually move to the compe-
        tition that takes care of its brand. Their confi-
        dence is not strengthening - on the contrary, it
        is gradually declining. Then another negative,
        albeit marginal experience with your brand
        (company) is enough to drive the customer
        away from you.
          The customer will recognize who takes good
        care of the brand (company) and expects that
        similar care will be reflected in the approach
        to him or her as a customer. Take a look at the
        examples above - competing companies with
        the same products and services. One of them
        cares intensively about its online reputation. It
        gives a signal to potential customers that its
        services will be of high-quality and high care.  New services – social networks (Facebook,
          And you can really see it - customers rate  Twitter, Instagram), mobile aps, smart GPS na-
        such companies significantly better. (the  vigations in cars (Waze, TomTom), voice search
        average rating is calculated from reviews on  (Siri, Alexa etc.) Google maps in mobile phones
        Google My Business)                      and dozens of other verticalized services (fo-
                                                 cused on a specific area or field – e.g. TripAdvi-
          Tip No. 2. - Increase the traceability of   sor for travelling, Zomato for restaurants) now
        your brand (company) in the digital envi-  offer many more places for your interaction
        ronment                                  with your customers. Foreign tourists and
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