P. 93
were the state of the internet.
After that, it was email.
Then search ads, followed by blogging. Fi-
nally, Youtube came along, followed by soci-
al media, which is where we stand now. It is
more important than ever before to live in the
current state of the internet and leverage your
brand on social media.
Social media love brevity, unambiguity, po-
sitive mood, personal commitment and abo-
ve all interesting content. Content is key to
keeping prospects engaged after the initial
point of contact.
Without high quality content, people will
become aware of your business for a brief
moment and then forget about you again in a
flash. In addition, quality content works as that
users is both scary and exciting: scary if you’re initial point of content, too, helping more pe-
a user, but exciting for potential advertisers ople to find your business on Google. Without
like yourself. consistent quality content to engage your au-
I am 63 and looking over my contempora- dience, it’s unlikely that any other marketing
ries, I see how hard for some people is to services will be anywhere near as effective as
understand or remember how new the medi- they could be - something Gary Vaynerchuck,
um was back then. Today, social media is the my inspiration and distant virtual mentor
um was back then. Today, social media is the my inspiration and distant virtual mentor is is
current state of the internet.
well aware of.
current state of the internet. well aware of.
In the mid-90s, search engines and browsers
So let´s speak about digital marketing.
In the mid-90s, search engines and browsers So let´s speak about digital marketing. ƅ ƅ
The teamleader of this project, Luboš Bárta,
with his beloved black cat named Mikesh working together on this book.
A caricature drawn by the Austrian artist Rupert Hörbst