P. 91


          Lucie Hotařová is the owner of a wine label prin-  received the Winemakers‘ Good Deed of the Year
          ting company. She is in daily contact with Czech   award for this. However, then Covid-19 also hit
          and Moravian winemakers and always tries to of-  her and she struggled with it for a long time, so
          fer them the best she can.               she did not manage to work on the international
          When we wrote the Czech version of the New Nor-  edition. But even so, we are grateful that we can
          mal, she was a geyser of ideas and she and her col-  at least bring her call for mutual cooperation and
          leagues came up with a number of charity events,   translated articles that she has prepared for the
          organized and successfully completed them. She   Czech edition.

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