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ACTIVITY IN GERMANY SIMILARLY among both the domestic and international
WELL RECEIVED press, Austrian wine was the subject of more
In Germany, Austria’s most important ex- than 2,700 informative articles across 610 me-
port market, the AWMB organised 24 dif- dia outlets – corresponding to an advertising
ferent events during 2020 where they pre- equivalent value of €116.5 million.
sented more than 900 wines. Nine of these
events were hosted online due to COVID-19, EXPORTS: SLIGHT ANNUAL DROP
but the rest were able to take place on-loca- EXPECTED
tion in compliance with all applicable safety Despite the serious global effects of the pan-
regulations. The Berlin with a Glass of Wine demic, exports of Austrian wine increased by
campaign in late summer was a real success, 2.7% in terms of volume from January to Sep-
with Berlin’s citizens benefiting from 55 Aus- tember 2020 compared to the same period
trian wine hotspots in the city, amongst other the previous year (fi gures from Statistics Aus-
highlights. Through online trade promotions, tria). In terms of revenue, however, the same
the AWMB was able to bring focus to another period saw a decrease of 0.4%. Performance
1,400 wines – reaching 800,000 consumers in in Austria’s leading export markets of Germa-
total. ny, Switzerland and the USA was particularly
noteworthy in comparison to that of large wi-
VALUABLE MEDIA PRESENCE ne-producing countries like France and Italy,
Enjoying year-round media response which saw signifi cant declines in their exports
in some cases.
Austria used to be well known by the each other “It turned out that until September Austrian
equal exhibition booths and typical refreshing in wine had remained an attractive product ca-
Heurige style. Now we all are suffering with a ban tegory in places where a variety of distribution
of trade fairs, including the ProWein Düsseldorf. channels were open – more attractive than wi-
Credit Messe Düsseldorf/CTillmann nes from much bigger wineproducing nations.