P. 71
Yes, we all know, that the „Show must go on...!“ But what to do when, like last
year and this year, all the fair gates remain closed, almost all the exhibitions
were cancelled or postponed? This is exactly what we have asked some lea-
ders of major agencies, associations or companies, that traditionally exhibit
and represent their countries or wine regions.
Trade shows are eff ective tools for booking The primary purpose of a consumer part of
new business, maintaining current relation- the show is direct b2c contact, sometimes also
ships with clients and keeping your brand direct selling. Buyers (consumers) are brou-
strong in your marketplace. Most of them ght together with sellers. Consumers benefi t
are b2b events. Generally trade shows like for from a diverse product mix, expert advice,
example ProWein, are open to pre-registered education and entertainment. Sellers benefi t
trade visitors only. by immediate consumer contact, purchases,
But nowadays, some of the trade shows, product and brand awareness, public relati-
especially those for consumer goods, food and ons, research and development, and product
beverages, are also open to the public. Exhibi- testing. A good example is WEINmesse Berlin:
tion organisers tend to open their trade shows Germany‘s largest wine consumer-fair. The tic-
to public visitors more and more. ket gives wine connoisseurs a chance to taste
up to 5000 wines at no extra cost!
But not now.
Will be next year the better one? ƅ