Page 2 - Microsoft Word - 2017-08-30
P. 2

Some of the buildings on the adjoining site to the north are currently in use as
               industrial and enterprise units which are leased to a number of individual occupiers.
               There is another entrance to this site from lona Crescent to the east. The stone
               building and its boundary walls & railings fronting onto Botanic Road are Protected
               Structures. These were originally part of the Hepworth & Rayson-designed Players
               Factory. A 34m brick chimney stack in the middle of the site has also been identified
               as an important piece of industrial architecture to be preserved.

               The site lies in a well-established residential area, mostly constructed in the early
               20th century, and characterised by two-storey, red-brick terraced and semi-detached
               houses. These form a strong urban grain on surrounding streets. The relatively
               homogenous nature of the housing creates a distinctly defined pattern of
               development, characterised by bay windows, recessed porches and brick chimneys.
               Streets lined with mature trees add to distinctive character of the area. The
               predominant materials are red brick and slate, with granite accents throughout.
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