Page 4 - Microsoft Word - 2017-08-30
P. 4
The front building line to Botanic Road is suggested by the existing building line of
the dwellings on the street. This is very consistent along the street, only broken by
the former Players factory building, which as a Protected Structure is a special case.
Protection of the residential amenity of the existing surrounding dwellings is a very
important aspect of any development on this site. In particular, the rear gardens of
many houses on lona Road & lona Park back onto the southern and eastern site
boundaries. Any proposed development on this site should be set back from these
site boundaries, which is respectful of the current situation and allows for reasonable
future development to the rear of these existing buildings.
The brick chimney stack on the site to the north, as an important piece of industrial
architecture, has the potential to act as a focal point for development on the subject
The initial site strategy also considers potential future connectivity and permeability
throughout the overall former Smurfit Printworks site, should development also take
place on the adjoining northern part.