Page 6 - Brochure BiJeVa (Nederlands - Engels - Frans - versie 7sept20)
P. 6

               Child poverty is, for BiJeVa, about the growing up of 6 - 12 year old children, with an extension of up to
               and including. 14 years old, in a family that has to live in poverty. Alleviating child poverty therefore
               requires tackling poverty in the family.
               Poverty is chaos! A world in which everything happens together for parent (s) and children, where
               confusion, stress, unpredictability and exclusion reign.

                                         That is why BiJeVa is not concerned with steering and organizing, but with
                                         making things possible. At BiJeVa we call this fact-cratic working. Unlike
                                         bureaucratic work, working in a fact-cratic way starts from reality in which our
                                         strategic use of social media (Facebook) means that a very large group does
                                         a little bit in an informal way in conjunction with a small core group that does a

                                         The serving pioneer of fact-cratic working is in the hands of the driving force
                                         behind Anny De Windt. Anny starts by listening to take into account the
                                         expectations of different parents and children and then makes things possible
                                         with the help of a team of 35 volunteers.
                                         Anny helps parents and children in a way in which an equal respectful
                                         treatment and compassionate take care of* are central, aimed at reducing
                                         stress and without unnecessarily hindering or hindering her or his own control
                                         over her or his life. For Anny, that starts with listening at their kitchen table,
               because people and the human are only central when you leave from up close and life-wide.
               Incidentally, there is only social support when it is experienced by parent and child themselves.

               * Compassionate compassion does not mean pity (the emotional involvement in the current emotions of parents and /
               or child) and no empathy (living in misery or something unfavorable with the other). But refers to a commitment to
               parent (s) and / or child that is aimed at unconditionally making things possible or at least alleviating their poverty.
               Someone who compassionately takes care of someone in a poverty situation is not currently poor, but "potentially
               poor". He realizes what it means to live or grow up in poverty; he can imagine it. In addition to involvement,
               compassionate compassion also refers to an attitude (patient listening, attention, the language of their social learning,
               showing your own humanity, showing that things can be done differently…).

               During social interactions in everyday reality, our forms of social support mentioned below can take place
               simultaneously and even influence each other.

                                      On the one hand, we help the parent (s) to reduce their worries and cope with their
                                          -   bring a food parcel last week of the month
                                          -   replace worn-out clothes and shoes
                                          -   make a bicycle or computer available
                                          -   arrange the costs for the most basic medical, pedagogical and social care of the
                                              children, as a care partner of the Pelicano Foundation
                                          -   organize workshops in which parents learn to make their own care, cleaning
                                              and washing products in a thrifty and sustainable way
                                          -   provide listening and emotional support
                                          -   provide information and advice
                                          -   support or mediation in contacts with institutions or services
                                          -   involve them in BiJeVa activities as a volunteer
                                          -   provide wide  telephone accessibility via callback requests through sms 'Anny give
                                              me a call on  ' (also during weekends)

                                      On the other hand, we ensure that their children belong more in society by organizing
                                      activities with the aim or as a result that they can relax:
                                          -   outdoor holiday (s) in July
                                          -   outdoor holiday (s) in July and August with a host family in the Netherlands
                                          -   day trips
                                          -   theme activities: Saint Nicholas, Christmas and New Year’s party
                                          -   to offer a place of discovery in our educa container where they can practice a
                                              hobby, follow a LEGO education workshop, learn to computer ...
                                          -   to give them the opportunity to be there on our holidays from their 15th as
                                              prospective counselor or prospective logistics employee

               In our team of 35 volunteers, there are five who participated 12 years ago as underprivileged children in the BiJeVa
               We also supported them in their studies. All have graduated and are working as: 2 nursery school teachers, 1 pedagogue,
               1 animal care worker, and 1 social worker.

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