Page 3 - AsiaElec Week 04 2021
P. 3

AsiaElec                                       CONTENTS                                             AsiaElec

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                                                   Asia Power Monitor

                         India’s emissions conundrum as foreign investors show interest        4

                         Asian buyers need to rethink LNG strategy                             6


                         Sumitomo to stop investing in new oil development projects            8


                         China’s city-gas operators enjoy winter rush                          8


                         JA Solar expands solar cell manufacturing plans                       9

                         GAS -FIRED GENERATION

                         PTT reviews COVID-19’s impact on Thai LNG demand                    10

                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                                       10

                                 Have a question or comment? Contact the editor – Richard Lockhart (
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       includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its contents
       Week 03  27•January•2021                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P3
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