Page 5 - AsiaElec Week 04 2021
P. 5

AsiaElec                                     COMMENTARY                                             AsiaElec

                         Foreign investment
                         Foreign investors are beginning to sit up and take  between the government and the International
                         notice of the country’s potential and the govern-  Energy Agency (IEA).
                         ment’s commitment to green energy.     As India is not yet a member of the club of
                           Even in the short term, the government aims  the largest energy consumers, the deal does allow
                         to double renewable capacity over the next year  considerable co-operation in areas from energy
                         to 175 GW, and to expand it to 450 GW by 2030.  security and clean energy transitions.
                           Prime Minister said in 2019 that India wanted   “India will have a critical role in shaping the
                         investment in renewables to reach $20bn per  world’s energy and climate future. As the leading
                         year in the next decade, with the sector opening  global authority on clean energy transitions, the
                         up to foreign private capital.       IEA is the perfect partner to support India as it
                           Total last week paid $2.5bn to buy control of  expands and improves its energy system for the
                         Adani Green Energy, the country’s largest green  benefit of its 1.4bn citizens,” said Fatih Birol, IEA
                         generator.                           Executive Director.
                           Modi’s support for foreign investment comes   India is also planning its coronavirus
                         as the country’s coal-dominated power sector  (COVID-19) recovery priorities. COVID-19
                         offers fewer attractions. Both generators and  has had a substantial impact on India’s electric-
                         state-owned distribution companies are mired  ity system.
                         in debt, while many power plants are operating   As power demand has fallen since March
                         at well below capacity because of problems with  2020, renewable energy generation has played a
                         coal and gas supplies. Some distributors have  larger role in the electricity mix, while the tradi-
                         reneged on power purchase contracts, as they  tional coal-fired power has stalled. Coal’s share
                         leave them heavily in debt.          of generation fell from 81% before the March
                           With power consumption now at low levels  2020 lockdown to 73% in April 2020.
                         in comparison to developed countries, reflected   Nevertheless, the commitment to renewables
                         by the low per capita emissions data, India offers  must be accompanied by improvements to cre-
                         considerable demand growth at a time when  ate a more transparently efficient power sector.
                         developed economies are showing little sus-  This includes tariff reform to reduce subsidies
                         tained growth prospects in power consumption.  and make them more cost-reflective in a bid to
                                                              improve the long-term solvency of many compa-
                                                              nies across the value chain.
                         Strategic partnership                  Also, a wholesale market in power must be
                         Other good news for India’s power sector  developed to integrate the new generation of
                         includes a strategic partnership signed this week  solar and wind with the national grid. ™

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