Page 10 - AsiaElec Week 04 2021
P. 10

AsiaElec                               GAS-FIRED GENERATION                                          AsiaElec

       PTT reviews COVID-19’s impact

       on Thai LNG demand

        THAILAND         STATE-OWNED Thai major PTT has said it is  because price fluctuations remain high,” The
                         monitoring how the country’s latest outbreak  Bangkok Post quoted Wuttikorn as saying.
                         of coronavirus (COVID-19) infections will   Although prices have soared from record
                         affect domestic demand for liquefied natural gas  lows to record highs in a matter of months,
                         (LNG).                               Wuttikorn said domestic gas consumers were
                           The senior executive vice-president for PTT’s  unlikely to feel the pinch owing to the fact that
                         gas business, Wuttikorn Stithit, said on January  70% of the country’s LNG imports were arranged
                         27 that the company would have to review its  under long-term contracts.
                         growth projections for this year as the country   The executive noted that in addition to
                         grapples with a new wave of infections.  reviewing domestic demand levels the company
                           The state major had previously forecast that  was also looking to revive its plans to become a
                         domestic LNG demand would climb by 3-4%  re-export hub for the frozen fuel.
                         year on year in 2021 from the 4,700mn cubic feet   PTT wants to resume its trading trial after
                         (133mn cubic metres) per day recorded in 2020,  the project was suspended in the third quarter of
                         a number that was itself down 8% y/y.  2020 owing to the country’s extension of state of
                           While Thailand’s response to the pandemic  emergency measures.
                         has been one of the most successful, the country   “Not only did the lockdown halt project
                         has experienced a resurgence in daily case num-  development, but the delay also came about from
                         bers since the latest wave began on December  decreasing demand for LNG in the third quarter
                         15. Local authorities reported a record number  last year,” Wuttikorn said.
                         of daily infections on January 26, with the count   PTT intends to import LNG for re-export as
                         reaching 959 new cases.              part of a trial overseen by the Energy Regulatory
                           “New estimates for gas demand will be car-  Commission in order to avoid breaking a law
                         ried out soon, but the calculation is quite difficult  that prohibits gas exports. ™

                                      TITLE MIDDLE (WITHOUT NUMBER)

       POLICY                              O’Regan, Minister of Natural Resources of   significant momentum around the world,
                                           Canada; Arifin Tasrif, Minister of Energy and   and it is essential to their success that they be
       Danish PMG to head                  Mineral Resources of Indonesia; Rocío Nahle   inclusive and centred around people,” said
                                                                                Dr Birol. “Many countries are now focusing
                                           García, Secretary of Energy of Mexico; and
       global energy transition            Sophie Gladima, Minister of Petroleum and   on this issue and seeking opportunities to
                                                                                exchange ideas and advice. The high-level
                                           Energy of Senegal. The full list of members to
       commission                          date is available below. The commission will   members of our Global Commission on
                                           provide key recommendations based on its
                                                                                People-Centred Clean Energy Transitions will
       Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen is   work ahead of COP26 in November.  lead a global dialogue to share experiences
       to head a new high-level global commission   As countries seek to advance their shifts   and enhance best practice.”
       that will examine ways to ensure people are at   to clean energy technologies, the success of   “Denmark has already shown clear global
       the centre of clean energy transitions around   these efforts will rest on enabling citizens to   leadership on this issue, and that is why I am
       the world.                          benefit from the opportunities and navigate   delighted and honoured that Prime Minister
         The new initiative – Our Inclusive Energy   the disruptions. This includes social and   Frederiksen has agreed to be the Honorary
       Future: The Global Commission on People-  economic impacts on individuals and   Patron of the Commission and that Minister
       Centred Clean Energy Transitions – was   communities, as well as issues of affordability   Jørgensen has agreed to chair it,” Dr Birol
       convened by Dr Fatih Birol, the International   and fairness.            added.
       Energy Agency’s Executive Director, and   The new commission will explore these   “I am very pleased to see that the IEA,
       will be chaired by Dan Jørgensen, Denmark’s   questions in depth, taking into account the   under the leadership of Dr Fatih Birol,
       Minister of Climate, Energy and Utilities.   need to see people as active participants   has been strengthening its focus on green
       Prime Minister Frederiksen will be the   in clean energy transitions – in collective   energy transition and now on just transition.
       honorary patron.                    decision-making and through individual   Therefore, I am proud to lead the work in this
         The commission’s members will include   actions and behaviours. Equity and inclusion   new global commission and thereby help to
       Prime Minister Mark Phillips of Guyana;   issues will also be examined, including gender   ensure a just transition to more renewable
       Teresa Ribera, Vice President and Minister   equality.                   energy around the world. International
       for the Ecological Transition of Spain; Seamus   “Clean energy transitions are gaining   collaboration as well as social fairness is at

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