Page 11 - AsiaElec Week 04 2021
P. 11

AsiaElec                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                           AsiaElec

                                                                                initial focus on Indonesia, Vietnam, and the
                                                                                Philippines. It is managed by Clime Capital.
                                                                                  Electricity consumption in Vietnam
                                                                                is forecast to rise by 8% a year from 2021
                                                                                through the end of the decade. The potential
                                                                                for wind power is a key element of its plans to
                                                                                double the use of renewable energy to meet
                                                                                rapidly growing electricity demand in the next
                                                                                  “Levanta’s developments in the Central
                                                                                Highlands and coastal regions aim to
                                                                                demonstrate the region’s viability as a wind
                                                                                power corridor, and thanks to this timely
                                                                                investment, we are well-positioned to secure
                                                                                the required development capital funding
                                                                                from a top-tier global strategic investor,” says
                                                                                Sudhir Nunes, co-founder and managing
       the heart of the Danish government,” said Mr   Those tidal fluctuations also made the   director at Levanta Renewables.
       Jørgensen.                          construction process more difficult, the site   The SEACEF investment will help advance
         “This new commission is an important   manager said, reducing the amount of time   the portfolio at a time when the future price
       contribution to secure an inclusive global   available to build each day. Investments were   of wind power beyond 2021 has not yet been
       energy system and putting people at the heart   made to increase the number of workers   confirmed by the Vietnamese government,
       of clean energy transitions. We have to act   on-site each day during available hours to   which risks causing a slowing down of private
       now to fight the climate changes, but we will   construct the first phase of the project on   sector investment into the sector. The initial
       only succeed if we are able to inspire and   time.                       funding will support the installation of met
       include people in a socially balanced way,” Mr                           masts to analyze and confirm the wind
       Jørgensen added.                                                         resource, advance critical regulatory permits,
       IEA                                                                      and confirm environmental and social
                                           WIND                                 viability.
                                           SEACEF to invest in Vietnam
       SOL AR
       300MW tidal flat solar              wind power                           GAS-FIRED GENERATION

       project takes shape in              South East Asia Clean Energy Facility   Thailand’s TTCL to develop
                                           (SEACEF) has finalised an investment
       China                               facility with Levanta Renewables, which   Myanmar LNG power facility
                                           has a portfolio of development projects in
       The first phase of a 300MW utility-scale solar   Vietnam. This was announced on January   TTCL Public Co has signed a power purchase
       project built on a coastal tidal flat in China   19 by Clime Capital, the Singapore-based   agreement with Electric Power Generation
       have been connected to the grid.    investment management company focused   Enterprise (EPGE), a state-owned enterprise
         The project, contracted by the 12th Bureau   on accelerating the low-carbon transition in   under the Myanmar Ministry of Electricity
       of Hydropower in China, is believed to be the   Southeast Asia.          and Energy (MOEE), for a liquefied natural
       world’s largest solar installation to be built on   The investment is being made in a   gas-to-power project in the Yangon region.
       a tidal flat, spanning more than 4,500 acres.  portfolio of three early-stage onshore wind   The agreement was signed on January 20
         It will combine more than 685,000 400W   power projects, with a combined capacity of   by TTCL Power Myanmar Co (TPMC), a
       monocrystalline silicon modules with 1500V   around 330MW.               subsidiary of Bangkok-based TTCL, which
       string inverters provided by Solis, while a new   Levanta Renewables’ projects are mostly   is a joint venture between Toyo Engineering
       220kV booster station has been built for the   located in Vietnam’s Central Highlands   Corporation of Japan and Italian-Thai
       site. Power generated at the site is converted   region. Wind power developments in this   Development Public Company Limited.
       into AC and then boosted to 35kV within the   region promise to open new wind corridors   TPMC will develop the 388MW Ahlone
       substation, before being exported to the grid.   with more modest wind speeds and better   LNG-to-power project in Ahlone township,
         Given its location on a tidal flat, the entire   transmission access.  Yangon region.
       solution has been optimised and protected   “We are excited at this opportunity to   Total investment is estimated at US$685
       from the elements it will face, including   provide critical capital at a key stage in the   million. The Ahlone LNG Power Project
       waterproofing, sandproofing, corrosion   development of these promising projects   is being developed under a build-operate-
       prevention and other structure and internal   in Vietnam,” comments Mason Wallick,   transfer (BOT) structure, with a 25-year term.
       electrical arrangements.            managing director at Clime Capital. “This   The engineering, procurement and
         Inverters were also installed at a height of   is what SEACEF is designed to do – our   construction (EPC) works comprise the
       at least five metres – greater than the usual   investments catalyze the private sector.”  power plant, plus a 28-kilometre transmission
       height – in order to accommodate tidal   SEACEF is backed by leading international   line, a 25-kilometre gas pipeline, and an LNG
       fluctuations of the water level.    climate foundations and investors, and has an   receiving terminal. The scope of the project

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