Page 9 - AsiaElec Week 04 2021
P. 9

AsiaElec                                          SOL AR                                            AsiaElec

       JA Solar expands solar cell

       manufacturing plans

        JAPAN            CHINA’S JA Solar aims to build 10 GW per   JA solar plans to have 35 GW of module
                         year of new solar cell manufacturing capacity in  assembly capacity at the end of 2021 as it pushes
                         Yangzhou, expanding its previous plans to build  forward a series of expansion plans across China.
                         6 GW at the site by 66%.               However, this is subject to change as previ-
                           The company, which shipped 10.3GW of PV  ously announced projects begin construction,
                         modules in 2019, has approved plans to develop  through to production ramps of monocrystal-
                         a total of 10 GW of solar cell capacity and 6 GW  line wafers, cell and modules at multiple sites,
                         of module capacity in the Yangzhou Economic  mainly in China.
                         and Technological Development Zone (ETDZ).  In 2019, JA Solar was the second-biggest
                           JA Solar said that the plans included a two-  manufacturer of solar modules in the world,
                         phase approach. The first phase would be a  behind only Jinko Solar with 14.2 GW.
                         6-GW solar cell and a 6-GW module assembly   JA Solar’s performance, with 10.3 GW, repre-
                         plant, with a total planned investment of around  sented a 17% increase on 2018, driven by expan-
                         CNY6bn ($926mn).                     sion into emerging markets in the Middle East.
                           The second extended phase would include a   The global solar PV market is experiencing
                         4-GW solar cell expansion with an investment of  higher demand, continuous cost reduction,
                         around CNY4bn ($617mn).              software and technology development and
                           The company intends to complete the first  improvement in module efficiency, the report
                         phase of the project by the start of 2024 and aims  commented.
                         to have the module assembly plant partially   Solar has also been resilient to the coronavirus
                         operational by the end of 2021.      (COVID-19) pandemic. Crucially, the levelised
                           However, the 4-GW second phase would be  cost of energy (LCOE) fell as solar system effi-
                         subject market demand and negotiated sepa-  ciency and performance improved and the use
                         rately with the ETDZ, the company said.  of data analytics became more sophisticated.™

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