Page 13 - AsiaElec Week 04 2021
P. 13

AsiaElec                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                           AsiaElec

       Malaysia’s first ever solar auction, but it was   an all-time high of 187.3GW on Friday   filing to the Hong Kong bourse.
       one of the first to start generating renewable   morning. KPMG was previously hired to   The other four new investors are Cosmic
       energy for the country when commissioned in   manage the sale, which initially saw interest   Success Holdings Ltd, Upper World Ltd,
       March 2018.                         from Macquarie Infrastructure and Real   Heyirong International Trade Co. Ltd and
         The second project sold is the 39 MWp   Assets, CLP India Pvt. Ltd, and Hero Future   Greenwoods Global Investment Ltd.
       Gebeng solar park. Completed at the end of   Energies. However, the deal could not be   China Evergrande, the country’s most
       2019, it was won in the government’s second   finalised. PTC India has now decided to sell   indebted property developer, has been
       solar auction. Delivered in only 17 months, it   the assets to a government-owned firm, with   scrambling for cash as Beijing plans new debt-
       was the first solar park to generate power in   SBI Capital Markets Ltd advising it on the   ratio caps to tackle what it considers excessive
       the LSS2 auction.                   sale. “At present, the divestment process of   borrowing in the real estate development
         “We are an established player in the   PTC Energy Limited is on. At this juncture,   sector.
       wider APAC region and are keen to support   therefore, the company would not like to   The company’s balance of interest-bearing
       investment companies like reNIKOLA in   comment on any market speculation,” a   indebtedness was 716.5 billion yuan ($110.6
       their drive to build home-grown renewables   PTC India spokesperson said in an emailed   billion) at the end of 2020, down 157.8 billion
       portfolios,” said BayWa r.e. Director of   response.                     yuan from March. The developer said it
       Projects, APAC, Daniel Gaefke.         Electricity firms such as NTPC and SJVN   targets to reduce the balance by a further 150
         “These two sites were delivered through   have pivoted toward green energy against   billion yuan this year.
       the combination of our global expertise and   the backdrop of a rapidly evolving Indian
       our local knowledge. Today they generate   energy landscape. NTPC plans to acquire at
       enough electricity to power 13 000 homes   least 1GW each of operational solar and wind
       and are already contributing to the Malaysian   projects as part of its strategy to have a 32GW   EMISSIONS
       government’s goal of producing 24% of its   clean energy portfolio by 2032. SJVN, a joint
       energy needs from renewable sources by   venture between the Union government and   Shanghai aims to see
       2050.”                              the Himachal Pradesh state government also
                                           has ambitious clean energy plans.    carbon dioxide emissions

                                                                                peak by 2025
                                           ELECTRIC VEHICLES                    Shanghai aims to bring the city’s carbon
       NTPC and SJVN in?fray               China Evergrande New                 dioxide emissions to a peak before 2025, five
                                                                                years ahead of the national target of 2030,
       to buy PTC’s wind power             Energy Vehicle Co attracts           local authorities said Sunday (Jan 14).
                                                                                  The target was announced in the municipal
       assets                                                                   government work report delivered by the
                                                                                city’s mayor Gong Zheng at the ongoing
       State-run NTPC Ltd and SJVN Ltd have   investors to raise $3.4 bln       fifth session of the 15th Shanghai Municipal
       placed bids to buy out PTC India Ltd’s   Property giant China Evergrande’s Hong-  People’s Congress.
       289MW wind power assets spread across   Kong listed electric vehicles firm said on   Shanghai will formulate a citywide
       Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, and Andhra   Sunday it would bring in six new investors   action plan to promote energy conservation
       Pradesh, said two people aware of the   to raise HK$26 billion ($3.4 billion) to fund   and carbon reduction in key fields such as
       development.                        technology research and repay debt.  electricity, steel and chemical industries,
         With a potential enterprise value of around   China Evergrande New Energy Vehicle   according to the report.
       ?2,000 crore, the sale is part of the country’s   Ltd will issue 952.4 million shares at HK$27.3   The plan includes lowering the proportion
       largest electricity trader PTC India Ltd’s plans   each to the new investors who include China   of total coal consumption in primary energy
       to exit its wind power business.    Gas Chairman Liu Minghui and Chan Hoi-  consumption to about 30 percent and
         These seven assets are owned by PTC   wan, spouse of Joseph Lau who is a Chinese   increasing the proportion of natural gas
       India’s subsidiary PTC Energy Ltd.  Estate shareholder, the firm said.   consumption to about 15 percent.
         This deal comes against the backdrop   The price offers a 9% discount to Friday’s   In 2021, Shanghai plans to plant 3,333.3
       of India’s electricity demand registering   close of HK$29.90, the company said in a   hectares of forests and 1,000 hectares of green

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