Page 12 - AsiaElec Week 04 2021
P. 12

AsiaElec                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                            AsiaElec

       also includes procurement, transport, storage   official said.             Egat signed a contract with B.Grimm
       and regasification of imported LNG.    SK Nexilis will power the plant 100 percent   Power Plc, which will serve as an engineering,
         The electricity generated will be supplied   with clean energy, according to the company.  procurement and construction firm to
       to Myanmar’s national grid. The project is   SKC said it chose Malaysia for its stable   develop photovoltaic panels worth 842 million
       expected to come online in 2024.    supply of electricity and low electricity prices,   baht on Sirindhorn Dam, where an Egat
         TTCL received a notice to proceed,   almost 50 percent cheaper than Korea. Since   hydropower plant is operating.
       granting development rights for the project,   copper foil, a key component of electric   Power generation on a water surface
       from the MOEE in January 2018.      vehicle batteries, takes a large amount of   requires 450 rai of land, equivalent to an on-
                                           electricity to produce, a steady and cheap   ground solar farm.
                                           supply of electricity is crucial, the company   The facility was originally scheduled for
                                           explained.                           operation in December last year, but the
       RENEWABLES                             Based on its experience of operating   launch was postponed due to the pandemic.
                                           unmanned transportation vehicles and robots
       SKC launches first overseas         at its plant No. 4 in Jeongeup, North Jeolla
                                           Province, SK Nexilis will build and run the
       copper foil plant in                new factory as a smart factory, the company   SOL AR
       Malaysia                            producer, Iljin Materials, has been running a   Malaysian power company
                                              Another Korean electronics materials
       South Korean chemicals maker SKC said   copper foil plant in Kuching, Malaysia, since   buys BayWa r.e. solar farms
       Tuesday it will establish its first overseas   2017.
       production base for copper foils in Malaysia                             BayWa r.e. has announced the successful
       and that the factory would be powered by 100                             sale of two solar farms in Malaysia to a local
       percent renewable energy sources.                                        renewable energy-focused independent power
         According to the company, its copper foil   SOL AR                     producer (IPP), reNIKOLA Sdn Bhd.
       subsidiary SK Nexilis will invest 650 billion                              The sale of the solar installations in Arau
       won ($587.4 million) and construct a copper   Egat plans world’s largest   and Gebeng, Malaysia, was conducted in two
       foil plant with an annual production capacity                            stages and finalised in December 2020.
       of 44,000 metric tons at Kota Kinabalu   floating solar farm in June       The 5.2 MWp development in Arau was
       Industrial Park in the state of Sabah.                                   BayWa r.e.’s first foray into the utility scale
         “After breaking ground in the first half of   State-run Electricity Generating Authority   market in Malaysia and is located on the
       this year, our goal is to begin the commercial   of Thailand (Egat) expects to operate a   university campus at Perlis, the royal capital
       operation of the plant in 2023. The expansion   45-megawatt floating solar farm it claims to be   of Arau.
       will triple SK Nexilis’ current production   the largest in the world in Ubon Ratchathani   The project marked a significant milestone
       capacity to almost 100,000 tons,” a company   in June after a delay caused by the pandemic.  for BayWa r.e., as it was not only won in

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 03  27•January•2021
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