Page 7 - AsiaElec Week 04 2021
P. 7

AsiaElec                                     COMMENTARY                                             AsiaElec

                           Reports have begun to emerge, however,  said: “[I]t did get really cold, and suddenly they
                         that question the long-term viability of such  had to serve all this new demand.”
                         price volatility, noting that as winter gives way   Chinese buyers then re-entered the market
                         to spring heating demands will ease, and so too  in pursuit of additional LNG cargoes to shore
                         will prices.                         up existing supplies that were put under intense
                                                              strain. While the surge in demand has been
                         Buyer frenzy                         welcomed by developers with LNG projects on
                         The director of energy, climate and resources  the backburner, backing future prices based on
                         at political risk consultancy Eurasia, Henning  a volatile set of supply and demand factors may
                         Gloystein, has argued that the driving factor  be unwise.
                         behind record gas prices is China’s shift from   Gloystein argued that the price spike would
                         coal to gas.                         not last much longer, as the cold season was near-
                           Gloystein, in an interview with CNBC this  ing its end, and with it demand would recede. He
                         week, pointed to estimates that China had  said: “This is probably the peak of the spike.”
                         converted more than 10mn households from   Regardless, Asian buyers would be well
                         coal-generated heat to gas in 2020.   advised to treat the current price high as an early
                           China has been converting coal-fired heat-  warning of a bigger problem that is on the hori-
                         ing systems to cleaner burning gas for years as  zon. Prior to the pandemic, global LNG supply
                         it seeks to reduce air pollution in the country’s  was widely projected to fall short of demand by
                         cities. Its efforts led to severe supply shortages in  the middle of decade, owing to a growing polit-
                         2017, which prompted a rethink of the govern-  ical focus on carbon emissions, general rates of
                         ment’s conversion strategy of adopting a slower,  economic development and a slowdown in FIDs
                         steadier approach to the process.    for additional liquefaction capacity.
                           In the years since, however, the country has   Coronavirus (COVID-19) compressed
                         built additional gas storage facilities as well as  developer budgets around the world in 2020,
                         new piped gas and LNG import capacity. This  making it harder than ever before to finance gas
                         has paved the way for both the central and local  export projects that cannot secure foundational
                         governments to resume the pace of coal-to-gas  offtake agreements. With Asia’s demand for gas
                         conversions.                         only anticipated to grow in the coming decades,
                           The problem has been that while the country  buyers need to prepare now in order to avoid
                         has prepared for harsh winters, temperatures this  being caught out by future supply shortfalls cre-
                         year fell to their lowest level in decades. Gloystein  ated by spot market short-sightedness. ™

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