Page 4 - AsiaElec Week 04 2021
P. 4

AsiaElec                                      COMMENTARY                                             AsiaElec

       India’s emissions conundrum as

       foreign investors show interest

       India’s power sector offers global investment opportunities, but crucial reforms
       are needed, writes Richard Lockhart

        INDIA            INDIA is the world’s third-largest emitter of  move the bottom 20% of the population to the
                         carbon dioxide, accounting for 2.46bn tonnes in  low-expenditure category will thus cause a rise
       WHAT:             2019-2020, according to Carbon Brief, or 6.8%  of only 1.97% in carbon emissions.
       India’s per capital   of the total global emissions, behind China and   Moving its middle-expenditure families to
       emissions are low  the US.                             the higher expenditure group will result in a
                           However, by other metrics India is at the fore-  10% rise in carbon emissions. If all Indians start
       WHY:              front of reducing emissions, while its population  consuming as the rich do, there will be a nearly
       Access-to-power levels   of 1.3bn ensures that per capita emissions are low  50% rise in emissions.
       are still low, and the poor   at 1.91 tonnes, compared with 16.06 tonnes in   The study found that in India’s low and medi-
       consume little power  the US and 16.31 tonnes in Australia.  um-level expenditure households, the carbon
                           At the same time, the government is invest-  footprint is primarily driven by consumption
       WHAT NEXT:        ing heavily in solar and wind power, and aims to  of electricity (0.19 tonnes/capita), food (0.12
       Foreign investors are   lessen the country’s dependence on coal power.  tonnes/capita) and consumables (0.07 tonnes/
       arriving, but structural                               capita).
       and market reforms are   Carbon footprint                Electricity consumption caused the max-
       needed to exploit India’s   Within India, the country’s highest levels of ine-  imum household carbon footprints across all
       green expansion   quality and large off-grid population in rural  socio-economic groups, the study calculated,
                         and slum urban areas mean that the top 20%  ranging from 26% in low-expenditure house-
                         of high-expenditure households in India are  holds to 36% among the rich.
                         responsible for causing seven times the green-  Electricity is the biggest driver of India’s car-
                         house emissions traceable to the poor.  bon emissions due to its reliance on coal-based
                           At the same time, per capita energy con-  power plants: Coal accounts for 74% of India’s
                         sumption of 0.44 tonnes of oil equivalent [toe]  electricity generation and was the source of
                         per capita is still only around one third of the  one third of the country’s total greenhouse gas
                         world average, according to Indian government  (GHG) emissions.
                           New research from the Japan-based Research  Shifts needed in energy, food policy
                         Institute for Humanity and Nature, published  For the Indian government, policies to limit
                         in the journal Global Environmental Change,  consumption across all levels of society, espe-
                         showed that the mean household carbon foot-  cially the richest, must be accompanied by
                         print was 0.56 tonnes per person per year. How-  effort to promote renewables energy and energy
                         ever, this figure is only 0.19 tonnes per capita  efficiency.
                         among the poor, earning less than INR140 ($1.9)   Here the government has set a number of
                         per day, and 1.32 tonnes per capita among the  goals, such as increasing the share of non-fos-
                         richest 20%.                         sil fuel energy in its total energy mix to 40% by
                           The study identified that food and electricity  2030.
                         are the two areas of spending that account for   Alongside this, independent climate policy
                         most emissions in India across socio-economic  tracker Climate Action Tracker (CAT) has said
                         groups.                              that India’s emissions intensity should drop
                           “The study shows that rich Indians are con-  to 37-39% below 2005 levels by 2030, largely
                         suming more of all types of goods and hence  spurred by strong investments in solar and wind
                         have a larger carbon footprint. The poor, on  power.
                         the other hand, consume very little but bear the   This would bring the country into line with
                         maximum brunt of the climate crisis, whether  reducing global warming to 1.5-2°C by 2030, as
                         in the form of heat waves, cyclones, floods and  called for by the Paris agreement.
                         other extreme weather events,” said Ulka Kelkar,   However, India did not update its Paris
                         director, climate programme, World Resources  Agreement Nationally Determined Contribu-
                         Institute, India.                    tion (NDC) by the end of 2020, joining China as
                           Poverty eradication measures that seek to  the only two major Asian emitters not to do so.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 03  27•January•2021
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