Page 8 - AsiaElec Week 04 2021
P. 8

AsiaElec                                       INVESTMENT                                            AsiaElec

       Sumitomo to stop investing in new oil projects

        JAPAN            JAPANESE trading house Sumitomo Corp said  that it has signed a front-end engineering and
                         it would stop investing in new oil development  design contract with JGC Holdings Corp. for a
                         projects as it shifts away from fossil fuels busi-  solar-powered green hydrogen production plant
                         nesses amid a global push to cut greenhouse gas  in Gladstone, Australia. The plant will produce
                         emissions, the Nikkei reported.      250-300 tonnes per year of hydrogen, and could
                           The move comes as global miners and Jap-  scale up in the future.
                         anese trading companies cut their exposure to   It has also started a feasibility study for a grey-
                         coal operations, including mining and power  green hybrid hydrogen project in Oman.
                         generation to trim harmful carbon dioxide emis-  However, Sumitomo is still committed to
                         sions and to slow climate change.    coal projects, and is continuing to invest in coal
                           Major Japanese trading houses have said they  in Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh. It is also
                         would stop investing in new projects to develop  intending to develop a second coal power project
                         thermal coal mines or build coal-fired power  in Bangladesh.
                         stations, but this would be the first time that a   This is despite booking US$250mn loss from
                         Japanese trading firm decided not to invest in  its Western Australian Bluewaters coal-fired
                         new oil projects, the Nikkei said.   power station. The loss ensured that 2020 was
                           Sumitomo will no longer participate auctions  the company’s worst-ever annual performance.
                         for new oil projects, though it will continue its   Other Japanese investors, such as Mitsubishi
                         existing oil projects including those in North Sea,  Corp, Marubeni and Mitsui, have divested form
                         the paper said, without citing sources.  coal production across Asia.
                           In energy and natural resources, Sumitomo   The Japanese government in October 2020
                         will focus its management resources on renewa-  said it target net-zero emissions for the nation by
                         ble energy such as offshore wind farms and base  2050. This is the most significant shift in Japanese
                         metals, including copper and nickel used in elec-  energy policy yet and will see a further, long term
                         tric vehicles, the Nikkei said.      move away from coal towards renewables.™
                           For example, Sumitomo has announced


       China’s city-gas operators enjoy winter rush

        CHINA            CHINA’S coldest winter in decades has proved  2020.
                         to be a boon for the country’s city-gas operators,   The agency was upbeat about the country’s
                         which have seen fuel demand skyrocket.  ability to meet the surge in demand, however,
                           City-gas operators saw their gas sales volume  noting: “China’s gas supply pressure is lower this
                         growth accelerate in both the fourth quarter of  winter than in 2017. As a result, we believe the
                         last year as well as in the year to date, interna-  spike in gas demand can be fulfilled to a large
                         tional ratings agency Fitch Ratings said in a new  extent, translating into strong gas sales volume
                         report published on January 20. The agency cited  growth for rated gas distributors.”
                         both the country’s post-pandemic industrial   Top economic planner the National Develop-
                         production recovery as well as strong heating  ment and Reform Commission (NDRC) said in
                         needs as the principal drivers.      November that the country’s gas supplies would
                           Fitch quoted the Chongqing Petroleum and  be enough to meet peak winter demand, after
                         Gas Exchange as saying that apparent gas con-  it had directed the state-run majors to boost
                         sumption growth had accelerated from 5.9%  domestic production and imports.
                         in October 2020 to a low-teen percentage in   Fitch noted that the majors’ efforts to enhance
                         November 2020 through to January.    storage facilities in the wake of the 2017 winter
                           The spot LNG price, meanwhile, is under-  gas shortage meant that supply from these facil-
                         stood to have risen by more than 100% in  ities had topped 100mn cubic metres per day,
                         northern China and 60% in southern China  accounting for 9.7% of total daily gas consump-
                         since November 2020. Fitch noted that prices in  tion. The majors are also understood to have
                         Hebei, Jilin, Liaoning and Shandong Provinces  opted to move some of their long-term contract
                         had climbed to more than CNY10,000 ($1,544)  deliveries into the winter period, while new LNG
                         per tonne in late December from an average of  terminals and pipelines have also contributed
                         CNY2,700 ($4,168) per tonne in June-August  additional supply.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 03  27•January•2021
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