Page 22 - GLNG Week 40
P. 22

GLNG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              GLNG

       Lithuania’s KN January-             starting from 2020.                  Bay, north of the Gallipoli Peninsula in
                                                                                  The facility will be operational in Saros
                                              Revenue from oil handling operations
       September revenue down              edged down by 0.4% y/y to €23.8mn, and the   northwestern Turkey by 2021, state-run news
                                                                                service Anadolu Agency reported, quoting
                                           LNG terminal’s revenue plunged by 38.5% to
       24% to €58.5mn                      €32.7mn in January to September.     Deputy Energy and Natural Resources
                                              The state owns 72.34% of shares in
                                                                                Minister Alparslan Bayraktar.
       Lithuania’s state-run oil product and LNG   Klaipedos Nafta, which is quoted on the   “Ensuring Turkey’s natural gas supply
       terminals operator Klaipedos Nafta (Klaipeda   blue-chip Main List of the Nasdaq Vilnius   security and improving the infrastructure
       Oil) saw its revenue for January-September   Stock Exchange, and Achemos Grupe holds a   is very important. We have two FSRUs, one
       shrink by 24.2% year on year to €58.5mn.  10.41% stake.                  in Aliaga in Izmir province and in Hatay-
         Monthly revenue for September decreased                                Dortyol [on the Mediterranean coast]. Our
       by 23.8% from a year earlier to €6.4mn,   MIDDLE EAST                    efforts are ongoing for the third that will be in
       according to the preliminary results released                            Saros Bay. It will be connected to our system
       on October 7.                       Turkey to expand LNG                 next year,” Bayraktar said.
         According to KN, the main factor that                                    Turkey’s first FSRU was launched in Aliaga
       influenced the total company’s revenue   storage capacity with third     in December 2016.
       result in January-September, 2020 was lower                                The second FSRU, with a 20mn cubic
       revenue of Klaipeda LNG terminal, following   floating unit              metre send-out capacity per day, was put into
       from Klaipedos Nafta’s decisions, adopted in                             service in Hatay-Dortyol in early February
       2019, to optimise the costs of the Klaipeda   Turkey plans to expand its LNG storage   2018.
       LNG terminal and reduce the cost of LNG   capacity by adding a third floating storage and
       terminal infrastructure for consumers,   regasification unit (FSRU).

       P22                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   09•October•2020
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