Page 20 - GLNG Week 40
P. 20

GLNG                                             EUROPE                                                GLNG

       North Macedonia supported by Gastrade to

       participate in Alexandroupolis LNG terminal

        PROJECTS &       NORTH Macedonia’s Prime Minister Zoran  intends to reopen the Thessaloniki-Skopje oil
        COMPANIES        Zaev said on October 2 that Greek consor-  pipeline, which was built in 2000, but has not
                         tium Gastrade is supporting the country to be  been operational since the closure of the oil refin-
                         included in the construction of an LNG terminal  ery Okta in 2013.
                         near Alexandroupolis in Greece.        “The Greek company Hellenic Petroleum
                           Speaking after he met US Assistant Secretary  is interested in putting this capacity back into
                         of State for Energy Resources Francis Fennon in  operation and to upgrade it as [an] oil derivatives
                         Skopje, Zaev said that assurances had been given  pipeline,” Zaev added.
                         during his visit to Athens two weeks ago.  North Macedonia’s PM underlined that
                           Zaev underlined that the country is planning  the country will accelerate and initiate several
                         several major energy projects that will be imple-  important energy projects in the next period.
                         mented with US support.                “As a country that has set its energy independ-
                           “The [Alexandroupolis] project will create an  ence as a goal, the connection to the energy cor-
                         opportunity for permanent and stable supply of  ridors through Bulgaria and Greece are of crucial
                         natural gas for our country, which, at the same  and long-term interest,” Zaev said.
                         time, will become a hub for distribution of gas to   Fennon said at the news conference that the
                         all interested countries in the region and wider,”  inclusion of North Macedonia in these energy
                         Zaev said.                           projects makes the country an important
                           PM Zaev also noted that that the country  regional partner.™

                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

       AMERICAS                            processes could reduce the CO2e emissions of   Glenfarne’s Magnolia
                                           its Rio Grande LNG facility by approximately
       NextDecade targets carbon-          90%. While NextDecade advances its   LNG receives FERC permit
                                           work in this area, the Company is also
       neutrality at Rio Grande LNG        exploring options to address the remaining   extension
                                           (approximately 10%) CO2e emissions.
       NextDecade today announced that the   “Natural gas has a critical role to play in   Glenfarne Group, an investor, developer,
       company has developed proprietary processes   the global energy transition to a low-carbon   owner, and operator of energy and
       using proven technology to reduce carbon   economy, ensuring the security of energy   infrastructure assets, announced today that
       dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions at   supplies and preserving high quality jobs in   its recently acquired Magnolia LNG export
       its proposed Rio Grande LNG facility by   the United States and around the world,” said   terminal development project located in Lake
       approximately 90%. NextDecade is also   Matt Schatzman, NextDecade’s chairman   Charles, LA has received a five-year permit
       exploring options to address the remaining   and chief executive officer. “Our work to   extension from the Federal Energy Regulatory
       emissions to enable Rio Grande LNG to   date confirms that reliable, competitively   Commission (FERC). Per the extension,
       achieve carbon-neutrality.          priced LNG and responsible environmental   Magnolia LNG will begin operations of the
         Throughout the course of NextDecade’s   stewardship are not mutually exclusive.   terminal by April 15, 2026. At the same time,
       pre-FID development activities, and   A solution that promises both is indeed   FERC also extended the permit for the Kinder
       intensively in recent months, the company   eminently feasible with the thoughtful use of   Morgan pipeline that will supply feed gas to
       has evaluated multiple technical solutions   existing technologies and the application of   Magnolia LNG.
       to ascertain the commercial viability of   our proprietary processes.”     “At 8.8mn tonnes per annum from a four
       dramatically reducing CO2e emissions at Rio   NextDecade continues to work on   train mid-scale design, we believe Magnolia
       Grande LNG.                         remaining commercial agreements needed to   LNG has the right size and scope to best
         Based on these evaluations, NextDecade   achieve a final investment decision in 2021,   compete in the current and future LNG
       has determined that carbon capture and   enabled by flexible commercial offerings   market and is well-positioned to meet global
       storage (CCS) is the most feasible technical   and leadership in environmental and social   demand starting in the middle of this decade,”
       solution for Rio Grande LNG. The company   performance including targeting carbon-  said Brendan Duval, Founder and Managing
       believes that the addition of proven CCS   neutrality at Rio Grande LNG.  Partner of Glenfarne. “Our LNG customers
       technology in conjunction with its proprietary   NEXTDECADE, October 06, 2020  will transact with Magnolia LNG knowing

       P20                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   09•October•2020
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