Page 21 - GLNG Week 40
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GLNG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG


                                                                                Wärtsilä to supply a major

                                                                                LNG/bioLNG production
                                                                                plant for CO2-neutral

                                                                                transport fuels

                                                                                The technology group Wärtsilä has been
                                                                                awarded a major contract to supply and
                                                                                construct a plant for production of CO2-
       they will receive LNG from one of the   collaborate to develop a global LNG bunker   neutral liquid transport fuels. The plant
       lowest-cost, most reliable, and most efficient   supply network for their customers in   will liquefy gas from the natural gas grid to
       terminals on the US Gulf Coast.”    Singapore and Northern Europe, including   produce carbon-neutral LNG. It will have a
         “Coming only a few months after our   Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Antwerp. Under   capacity of approximately 100,000 tons per
       acquisition of Magnolia LNG, this extension   a memorandum of understanding (MoU), the   year and located in Cologne, Germany. The
       approval is an important early milestone in   partners agree to leverage each other’s LNG   order with Wärtsilä was placed in September
       our development plan, and it underscores   bunker infrastructure and supply capabilities,   2020.
       our focused commitment and belief in the   in their respective regions of operations, to   Wärtsilä’s vast experience and state-of-the-
       project,” said Vlad Bluzer, Managing Director   provide global supply points across for their   art technologies developed for the process
       of Glenfarne and President of Magnolia LNG   customers.                  design, fabrication, and delivery of gas
       Holdings.                              “Pavilion Energy is thrilled to partner   liquefaction plants and mature gas treatment
         Magnolia LNG sits on a 115-acre project   with Gasum and provide customers with   solutions prior to liquefaction, were key
       site on the Industrial Canal near Lake Charles   a wide supply LNG bunker network for   factors to secure the contract.
       in Southwest Louisiana and has a long-term   ocean-going vessels sailing between the Far   “It is an honour to have been awarded
       Lease Option Agreement in place with the   East and Northern Europe” said Mr Frédéric   this order for a landmark project. We take
       Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District.   H. Barnaud, Group CEO of Pavilion Energy,   this as a clear endorsement of Wärtsilä’s
       Magnolia LNG is permitted to receive natural   “We will complement this alliance with   capabilities in this field. The use of LNG as
       gas through the existing Kinder Morgan   additional LNG bunkering partnerships in the   an emissions-reducing fuel in the marine
       Louisiana Pipeline and will pretreat, liquefy   Mediterranean, North Asia and the Americas.   and transportation industries is already well
       and store the LNG onsite for domestic use   Our network will combine global commercial   established, and to introduce bioLNG which
       and export. Magnolia LNG will utilize the   offerings with regional operational   can be mixed with LNG is the next obvious
       patented OSMR® liquefaction technology, a   expertise,and bring further momentum to   step in enabling a CO2-neutral transportation
       low-cost, highly efficient process configured   the emergence of a thriving LNG bunkering   fuel. We look forward to continuing on our
       to generate lower greenhouse gas (GHG)   industry.”                      mission to enable sustainable societies with
       emissions than other conventional LNG   “This partnership underlines our aim to   smart technology,” said Antti Kuokkanen, VP
       processes.                          build a world-wide partner network. For our   Gas Solutions.
         Glenfarne has two operating subsidiaries:   customers this mean that we will support   The feedstock for bioLNG is based
       Alder Midstream, which focuses on building,   them with LNG wherever they are. We are   on biological waste material e.g. liquid
       owning, and operating midstream and LNG   very happy for having Pavilion Energy as   manure and food waste. The feedstock is
       assets, and EnfraGen, a developer, owner,   a partner in the Far East supporting our   fed to an anaerobic digestion reactor that
       and operator of specialised power generation   shipping customers,” said Mrs. Johanna   produces biogas, which is then upgraded to
       assets. Glenfarne’s total LNG export capacity   Lamminen, CEO of Gasum.  biomethane and injected into the natural gas
       is approximately 12.8 mtpa: 8.8 mtpa from   Against the backdrop of a burgeoning   grid. Green gas certificates are issued along
       Magnolia LNG and 4.0 mtpa from Texas LNG   industry for LNG as a marine fuel, this   with the injected biomethane, which then
       Brownsville, a FERC-permitted LNG export   partnership combines Pavilion Energy’s   permits operators at other locations, such as
       development project in Brownsville, Texas,   pioneering LNG bunkering expertise in   liquefaction plants producing bioLNG, to buy
       majority-owned by Alder Midstream.  Southeast Asia with Gasum’s experience as   the certificates and utilise the biomethane.
       GLENFARNE GROUP, October 08, 2020   a premier LNG bunker solutions provider   The Wärtsilä scope for this project includes
                                           in North West Europe. As a licensed LNG   the engineering, the civil works, installation,
                                           importer and bunker supplier for Singapore,   and commissioning of the plant. The plant
       ASIA                                Pavilion Energy has taken several firm steps to  will include a gas treatment system based
                                           invest in and support Singapore’s LNG bunker   on Wärtsilä’s Puregas CA technology, a
       Pavilion Energy and Gasum           readiness. Gasum has five LNG bunker vessels   liquefaction unit utilising Wärtsilä’s Semi-
                                                                                Dual Brayton technology, storage tanks,
                                           in operation and several LNG terminals in the
       agree to develop global LNG         Nordics.                             truck filling stations, and all necessary safety
                                                                                flare and auxiliary equipment. The plant is
                                           PAVILION ENERGY AND GASUM, October 08,
       bunker supply network               2020                                 expected to be fully operational by autumn
       Pavilion Energy Singapore and Gasum will                                 WÄRTSILÄ, October 08, 2020

       Week 40   09•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P21
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