Page 19 - GLNG Week 40
P. 19
Cameron LNG re-opens only to shut
again ahead of Hurricane Delta
PERFORMANCE AN LNG cargo was shipped from Sempra Ener- Cheniere Energy’s Sabine Pass LNG – and Free-
gy’s Cameron LNG terminal in Louisiana on port LNG in Texas ahead of Delta’s approach.
October 5. This was the first cargo to be shipped According to traders cited by the news service
from the plant since it was shut down in response the vessels were unlikely to dock in Louisiana
to Hurricane Laura, which hit the region in late before the storm made landfall.
August, causing damage to power transmission Delta is the 25th storm in 2020’s Atlantic
lines and other infrastructure. hurricane season – an active one that is cur-
Vessel-tracking data show that the SK Audace rently only three short of the record number for
is en route to Panama, where it will transit the any season, set in 2005. And when Delta makes
Panama Canal. The vessel’s subsequent destina- landfall, it will break a record held since 1916 to
tion is currently unknown, but it appears to be become the tenth named storm to make a US
heading for Asia. landfall in a season. Efforts to restart
The last cargo shipped from Cameron LNG The trajectory of a number of these storms
prior to this departed the terminal on August 23. has resulted in several shut-downs and evacua- Cameron LNG
It is unknown whether the latest cargo was pro- tions in recent weeks from oil and gas facilities in
duced recently or pulled from storage. the US Gulf of Mexico and onshore on the Gulf were significantly
Efforts to restart Cameron LNG were signifi- Coast. Hurricanes Laura and Sally have been
cantly hampered by power outages in Louisiana among the most disruptive for the industry, and hampered by
that were caused by Hurricane Laura. Feed gas now Hurricane Delta is bringing about further power outages
started flowing to the plant again on September disruption.
27, a month after the storm made landfall on the As of October 7, oil producers had evacuated in Louisiana that
Louisiana coast, with 12mn cubic feet (339,840 183 offshore facilities in the Gulf and halted
cubic metres) delivered. Feed gas deliveries were nearly 1.5mn barrels per day (bpd) of oil pro- were caused by
subsequently ramped up to above 150 mmcf duction and 1.33bn cubic feet (37.7 mcm) per
(4.2mn cubic metres) per day. day of natural gas output. The Louisiana Off- Hurricane Laura.
However, on August 8, Sempra said it would shore Oil Port (LOOP), the only offshore port
shut in operations at Cameron LNG once in the Gulf, also halted seaborne imports and
again ahead of Hurricane Delta, which is now exports.
approaching the Gulf Coast and now appears set Onshore, meanwhile, refineries and other
to hit Louisiana as a Category 2 storm on Octo- facilities have been securing operations, with the
ber 9. US Coast Guard warning of gale force winds at
Reuters reported on October 7 that at least Louisiana ports over the coming days. Around
six LNG tankers were waiting to dock at the 4.3mn bpd of operating US refinery capacity was
two Louisiana export terminals – Cameron and in the storm’s projected path as of October 6.
Week 40 09•October•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P19