Page 17 - GLNG Week 40
P. 17
NLNG sees LPG output rising
to 350,000 tonnes this year
PERFORMANCE NIGERIA LNG (NLNG), the four-member promoting LPG in line with a wider campaign
consortium that operates a natural gas liquefac- to expand Nigeria’s gas industry, he added. The
tion plant on Bonny Island, is aiming to produce West African country has 200 trillion cubic feet
some 350,000 tonnes of LPG in 2020, up from (5.7 trillion cubic metres) of natural and asso-
275,000 tonnes last year. ciated gas in proven reserves, and its fields may
According to Adeleye Falade, NLNG’s gen- hold another 600 tcf (16.99 tcm), he said. If Nige- NLNG is now in a
eral manager for production, LPG output has ria can commercialise these resources, it will be
risen steadily since the consortium first began able to generate more electricity for delivery to position to turn
commercial operations in 1999. Initial produc- domestic business and residential consumers,
tion levels amounted to just 75,000 tonnes per he stated. This will help reduce pollution whilst out much larger
year, but NLNG is now in a position to turn also speeding up the pace of industrialisation, he
out much larger amounts of LPG, he said at a commented. amounts of LPG.
recent webinar organised by ADIPEC Energy NLNG was formed more than 20 years
Dialogue. ago and has been producing LNG since 1999.
Falade attributed the rise in production to Equity in the consortium is split between
the success of efforts to promote domestic con- NNPC (49%), Royal Dutch Shell (UK/Neth-
sumption of LPG as a safe and environmentally erlands, 25.6%), Total (France, 15%) and Eni
friendly fuel. “When we first started pushing liq- (Italy, 10.4%).
uid petroleum gas (LPG), which is cooking gas, The group has already built six production
into the Nigerian market, we were only doing trains with a combined capacity of 22.5mn
75,000 tonnes per annum. Today, as at last year, tonnes per year (tpy) at its gas liquefaction plant.
we did 275,000 tonnes that we pushed into the Earlier this year, it took a final investment deci-
market,” he said. “This year our target is 350,000 sion (FID) on the construction of another pro-
tonnes, and we are very much on our way to duction train that will push total output up to
achieving it. The more we push cooking gas, the 30mn tpy. The new unit, which will be known
more we fight deforestation and deal with emis- as Train 7, will add 4.2mn tpy of new capacity,
sions, especially harmful ones.” while the debottlenecking of existing trains will
NLNG is joining the government in contribute another 3.4mn tpy.
Week 40 09•October•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P17