Page 239 - yearbook to print
P. 239
marwan fakhRy
Congratulatoins Seniors 18, we have made it! I am thankful for the
school’s support, and my parents’ dedication to offer me a good life
and education. Will miss you all.
Last day of school.
Egyptian “Believe in how far you’ve come, have faith in how far you can go.”
marwa el emam marwan faris
We are all extremely lucky to be in the position we are in today. Having the
ability to learn at such a high standard is a luxury that unfortunately, most of us
take for granted. I urge all of you to take full advantage of this school system,
regardless of how rigorous you might think it is. We all complain but at the end
of the day, we benefit massively, as this school provides us with new skills that
will help us excel in life. I’ve certainly benefited greatly from this journey, and
I’ve made many crazy memories, and met amazing people that I will never for-
get, here’s to Choueifat :D
Grade 11
“Keep it real.”
Senior profiles.indd 51 6/12/2018 1:03:01 PM