Page 240 - yearbook to print
P. 240

maryam shoaib

                                       From wishing it was over, to gripping onto the last moments of school, Choueifat has been a
                                       crazy roller coaster ride. I should probably take this time to thank everyone, but that would
                                       take forever, because every single person I’ve met here has made my life eventful and in-
                                       teresting. As it is, I’d still love to point out a few people who’ve had a more profound impact
                                       on me than most - starting with my family. They’ve always provided me copious amounts
                                       of love, support, and pride, and I’m not sure how I will ever repay them. Next, my friends.
                                       Where can I start? To my soul mates and sisters: words cannot describe how much you mean
                                       to me. I hit the jackpot when it comes to all of you. You guys are always there for me when-
                                       ever I need you. Through the times I’ve made a fool out of myself and through my emotional
                                       breakdowns during our daily exams. To the rest of the incredible class of 2018, thank you for
                                       making these years unforgettable. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH and will miss you dearly. I hope
                                       you will lead happy and successful lives. This is not goodbye; it’s see you soon.

                                       Every single moment spent with my friends
            Exploring the

                        Pakistani      “While there’s life, there is hope.” -Stephen Hawking

                                                                            maya abou shaar

                            I’ve been in this school for more than half of my life!! It’s been such a
                            great experience with all its ups and downs. Time flies by really fast
                            without even noticing. Few years back, I looked up at the seniors
                            wishing that was me, and look where I am now, graduating in a few
                            months. I have always waited for the day to walk on stage, and take my
                            diploma, but now that I’m almost there, I wish I can turn back the time
                            to the good ol days

                             SENIOR YEARRRR

                            “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”                                Lebanese
                                                                                                     Civil Engineering

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