Page 241 - yearbook to print
P. 241
maysa tabaja
My whole life I’ve dreamt of the day I’d graduate, but as the day approaches
us, the thought alone brings me to tears. The thought of saying goodbye to
the teachers who have taught me everything I know, to the staff that made our
time in school the best they could, and to the friends who have made me who I
am today. The memories we’ve shared are ones I will cherish for the rest of my
life, and I will take with me wherever I go. I feel privileged to have experienced
these last few years with a group of people I will never forget. No matter where
any of us go, our experiences, memories, and time together will connect us to
each other anywhere in the world.
Last day of school
“Believe in how far you’ve come, have faith in how far you can go.”
Business Marketing
maya abou shaar mazen ibrahim
I made it through a ten year journey... it has been such a good time in
my life meeting the people that I am grateful for. All I can say is we
made it lads.
My favorite school memory is in grade 10 when everyone I didn’t know cared Spending money
about everyone around them, it felt like family. on useless things
“Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.” Egyptian
Business Management
Senior profiles.indd 53 6/12/2018 1:03:08 PM