Page 19 - The Standard - April 2019
P. 19
Retention is a real business for a corporate membership.
focus and we managed to The main competitor this quarter
achieve 25.22% churn for Q1 has been Landmark Space,
(better than our budget). Its we have seen an increase in
positive to see we saved nine competition on price, and in
clients that had given notice and some cases adding an additional
completed 92 client renewals. percentage to longer terms
especially in their new buildings
Another area of growth has such as Portman Square. Other
been in memberships which competitors to note are the
have seen a 10% increase from new Halkin building on Hanover
last year, and achieved £177,767 Square which has seen a lot
net revenue and 22 deals. Nova of interest due to location
North has been the strongest and fit out as well as TOG
performing location, where Wimpole Street. This location
19% of the revenue was billed. has won deals on flexibility and
The largest deal completed communal space over price.
was £13,800 at Octagon Point
Hudson House Octagon Point
April 2019