Page 18 - The Standard - April 2019
P. 18

Sales & Account


                         During Q1 we have seen a 20%   throughout Q1 are 1 King William
                         increase  in  leads  year  on  year.   Street and Nova South. 1 King
                         Brokers,  being  responsible  William Street has seen great
                         for the main increase (25%),   success and completed 17 deals
                         are  trying  to keep up  with  the   equating to 9,253 sq ft due to
                         demand for flexible workspace.   the amount of space available
                         Overall we have seen a 10%   and the fantastic reaction from
                         decrease in the amount of    both current clients and brokers.
                         completed  viewings  which   In  Nova South  the account
                         relates to the amount of     management team achieved
                         choice for clients throughout   an additional £165,785 over
                         London. Our focus on buildings   only two deals which is great
                         with occupancy under 80%     to maintain high occupancy.
                         and  those  which  have  not
                         sold in the last six months,
                         has helped highlight where
                         we  need  to  see  deals,  Hudson
                         House took its fair share of
                         this and saw 20 viewings alone.

                         Our greatest achievement is the
                         split of deals being 50/50 broker
                         versus direct. A great result on
                         a 10% conversion of our direct
                         business. Our new business
                         deal numbers and sqft sold are   Congratulations to
                         about the same as last year       Heather Murchie
                         and on average selling around     (Flexi Offices) on
                         30,500 sq ft. Two buildings that   being awarded
                         have noticeably had traction        Broker of Q1

           April 2019
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