Page 246 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 246

The Rapture in the Book of Revelation
      Because of the great diversity of approaches to the Book
   of Revelation, it is difficult to debate its relevance to the doc­
   trine of the Rapture without assuming an exposition of the
   entire hook, which is beyond the scope of this study. If, how­
   ever, consideration be given to those who interpret the book
   from the premillennial standpoint and adopt the view that
   from chapters 4 to 18 the Book of Revelation is dealing with
   events that arc still future and related to the years im­
   mediately preceding the second coming of Christ, then a dis­
   cussion of the various passages has some force.
                  Revelation 2:25
      While the rapture of the church is not the subject of the
   Book of Revelation, there are references that pretribulationists
   can construe as referring to the Rapture. The exhortation to
   the church in Thyatira in Revelation 2:25 could be interpreted
   as a reference to the Rapture: “Only hold on to what you have
   until I come.” The passage in Revelation 3:3 is less clear and
   may not refer to either the Rapture or the Second Coming.
                 Revelation 3:10-11
      A clear reference to the Rapture is found in Revelation
   3:10-11. “Since you have kept my commandment to endure
   patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is
   going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on
   the earth. I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so
   that no one will take your crown.” Both posttribulationists
   and pretribulationists consider this passage as relating to the
      Pretribulationists have rightly regarded this passage as
   coinciding with the concept that Christ is coming for the
   church before the Tribulation and will take the church out of
   the world and hence remove the church before this period of
   human history described as the Great Tribulation. Post-
   tribulationists, of course, have countered in an attempt to

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