Page 251 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 251

The Rapture Question: Revised and Enlarged Edition
         it would view the church as in heaven during the time of the
         Tribulation. However, because of the controversy over the
         text, the matter must be left open. In any case, it is no comfort
         whatever to the posttribulationists. About the best they can do
         is to refute the idea that this represents the church in heaven.
         On the other hand, it offers no support whatever for the post-
         tribulational position. Although posttribulationists like Gun­
         dry give extensive consideration to this argument, about all
          they can do is raise questions.2
          Problem of Absence of the Church in Revelation 4-18
             While individual passages may be debated and their
          relative weight in determining pretribulational or post-
          tribulational conclusions may not always be clear, the main
          problem with the Book of Revelation is that there is no clear
          mention of the rapture of the church from Revelation 4
          through Revelation 18. Here again, the massive fact that a
          book presenting great detail concerning the events leading up
          to the second coming of Christ should omit completely any
          hope of the rapture of the church for the tribulation saints
          must be faced.
             Gundry may be taken as an illustration of posttribula-
          tional dealing with this problem, and he devoted five pages to
          the problem that the church is not mentioned from Revelation
          4 through 18. His answer is to deny that “after this” (Rev. 4:1)
          means after the church age.3
             Although Gundry’s argument may have some force, other
          posttribulationists such as George Ladd freely concede that
          beginning in chapter 4 the time leading up to the second
          coming of Christ is in view. Ladd said, “After the first vision of
          the exalted Christ caring for and protecting His churches, the
          revelation of‘what must take place after this,’ i.e., the coming
         of God’s Kingdom, begins.”4
             Gundry also countered the absence of the mention of the
         church in Revelation 4—18 as being offset by the fact that it
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