Page 77 - Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes as an Emerging Paradigm for Regenerative Therapy and Nano-Medicine
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Therapeutic Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes in the.. .

           sphingomyelin ceramide and lipid raft proteins  incorporation of all these proteins in exosomes is
           (de Gassart et al. 2003) which enable protection  thought to be controlled by lipid-dependent
           of exosome’s cargo from degradative enzymes or  mechanisms primarily by the activity of the
           chemicals and facilitates uptake of exosome’scon-  endosomal sorting complex required for transport
           tent into target cells through endocytosis or mem-  (ESCRT) (Colombo et al. 2014).
           brane fusion regardless of biological barriers (Lai  Exosome content may vary according to the
           et al. 2011). MSC-derived exosomes express evo-  physiological and pathological conditions of the
           lutionary conserved set of proteins including  tissue microenvironment in which engrafted MSC
           tetraspanins (CD81 CD63 CD9-involved in MSC  is exposed. In this regard, the exosomal cargo can
           proliferation and signaling) heat-shock proteins  reveal the state of the donor MSC and can also
           (HSP60 HSP70 HSP90-involved in MSC respond  influence in a paracrine and/or endocrine manner
           to stress) ALG-2-interacting protein X (Alix-  the fate of the recipient cell (Schey et al. 2015;
           apoptosis regulating protein) tumor susceptibility  Villarroya-Beltri et al. 2014). The reliability of
           gene 101 (TSG101-having role in cell growth and  intercellular communication between MSC and
           proliferation) and adhesion molecules (CD29  target cell is maintained and translated by specific
           CD44,CD73- enabling migration of exosomes to  components within the MSC-derived exosomes.
           the inflamed and injured tissues) (Fig. 1). The  These components are generally made of

           Fig. 1 MSC-derived exosomes: morphology and  into target cells through endocytosis or membrane fusion,
           structure. MSC-derived exosomes are nano-sized extra-  regardless of biological barriers. MSC-derived exosomes
           cellular vesicles which are released from MSCs into the  express evolutionary conserved set of proteins, including
           extracellular milieu and taken up by target cells. Their  tetraspanins (CD81, CD63, CD9), heat-shock proteins
           membranes are enriched in cholesterol, sphingomyelin,  (HSP60, HSP70, HSP90), and adhesion molecules
           ceramide and lipid raft proteins which enable protection  (CD29, CD44,CD73) and carry nucleic acids, proteins
           of exosome’s cargo from degradative enzymes or  (cytokines, chemokines) and lipids having important role
           chemicals and facilitates uptake of exosome’s content  in immunomodulation and tissue regeneration
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