Page 80 - Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes as an Emerging Paradigm for Regenerative Therapy and Nano-Medicine
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C. R. Harrell et al.

           2017). In line with these observations, our pre-  macrophages and attenuate consequent apoptosis
           liminary results showed that AF-MSC-derived  of retinal cells when compared to vehicle-treated
           ophthalmic solution, which contains a high con-  group. MSC-derived exosomes managed to sig-
           centration of immunosuppressive GRO and IDO,  nificantly alleviate expression of inflammatory
           significantly  attenuated  dryness,  grittiness,  mediators in the injured retinas involved in migra-
           scratchiness,  soreness,  irritation,  burning,  tion of monocytes in the eye: cytokine (TNF-α),
           watering, and eye fatigue in patients suffering  chemokine (monocyte chemoattractant protein-1,
           from DED, indicating therapeutic potential of  MCP-1) and adhesion molecule (intercellular
           AF-MSC-derived secretomes in the treatment  Adhesion Molecule 1, ICAM-1). Application of
           of DED.                                   MCP-1  abolished  effects  of  MSC-derived
                                                     exosomes suggesting that they reduce retinal
                                                     injury and inflammation mainly by targeting
                                                     MCP-1-dependent  migration  of  monocytes
           4      MSC Derived Exosomes
                                                     (Yu et al. 2016). In accordance to the attenuated
                  in the Therapy of Retinal Injury
                                                     retinal injury and inflammation, the significant
                                                     improvement of dark- and light-adapted electro-
           Damage of retinal cells caused by injury, infec-
                                                     retinogram response in laser-injured mice treated
           tion or ischemia triggers degeneration in neigh-
                                                     with MSC-derived exosomes was observed,
           boring neural cells, resulting with the spread of
                                                     indicating functional recovery of retinal cells
           morphological and functional retinal damage and
                                                     (Yu et al. 2016).
           irreversible  visual  impairment  (Yoles  and
                                                       In line with result obtained by Yu and
           Schwartz 1998). Till now, there is no effective
                                                     colleagues (Yu et al. 2016) are findings recently
           neuroprotection therapy currently available for
                                                     reported by Mead and Tomarev (Mead and
           retinal injury and, accordingly, transplantation of
                                                     Tomarev 2017) who demonstrated therapeutic
           stem cells and their products have been exten-
                                                     potential of bone marrow MSCs [BM-MSCs]-
           sively tested as new therapeutic approach for
                                                     derived exosomes in the regeneration of injured
           retinal regeneration. By using animal model of
                                                     retinal ganglion cells [RGCs]. RGCs are the sole
           laser-induced retinal injury, Yu and coworkers
                                                     projection neurons and their axons make up the
           recently demonstrated therapeutic potential of
                                                     optic nerve, making them susceptible to traumatic
           MSC-derived exosomes in attenuation of retinal
                                                     (optic nerve crush; ONC) and degenerative (glau-
           damage and inflammation (Fig. 2) (Yu et al.
                                                     coma) diseases. Since RGC are CNS neurons,
           2016). One hour after their intravitreal injection,
                                                     they are neither replaceable nor capable of axon
           MSC-derived exosomes diffused rapidly through-
                                                     regeneration and their loss or dysfunction results
           out the neural retina, retinal pigment epithelium
                                                     with irreversible blindness. BM-MSC-derived
           and gradually spread to the outer layers. Impor-
                                                     exosomes efficiently promoted survival and
           tantly, MSC-derived exosomes were as efficient
                                                     neuritogenesis of RGCs in vitro and in vivo,in
           as transplanted MSCs in limiting the extent of
                                                     ONC experimental model. In compared to
           retinal  damage.  MSC-exosome-treated  and
                                                     untreated animals where, 3 weeks after ONC,
           MSC-treated eyes showed equivalent attenuation
                                                     more than 80% of RGCs are lost, cell death of
           of laser-induced retinal injury with milder disor-
                                                     RGCs was reduced to 30% in rats treated with
           ganization of the tissue, more residual photore-
                                                     BM-MSC-derived  exosomes.  Moreover,  in
           ceptor cells, smaller retinal disordered areas, and
                                                     BM-MSC exosome-treated retinas, over 50% of
           reduced loss of nuclei in the outer nuclear layers
                                                     RGC function was maintained, suggesting that
           compared with the eyes that were treated with
                                                     exosomes managed not only to protect RGC
           vehicle  only.  Furthermore,  application  of
                                                     from death but also to preserve their function.
           MSC-derived exosomes significantly reduced
                                                     Importantly,  this  was  significantly  higher
           infiltration of immune cells, particularly CD68+
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