Page 78 - Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes as an Emerging Paradigm for Regenerative Therapy and Nano-Medicine
P. 78

C. R. Harrell et al.

           proteins, lipids, DNA fragments, mRNA and  exosomes  (Merino-González  et  al.  2016;
           small RNA species (Villarroya-Beltri et al.  Nakamura et al. 2015). Lee and coworkers (Lee
           2014; Vlassov et al. 2012). The cargo is not  et al. 2013) revealed that MSC-derived exosomes
           randomly distributed into exosomes: strictly  enriched with miR-16 suppress tumor progres-
           regulated mechanisms determine the “informa-  sion and angiogenesis via down-regulation of
           tion” that will be distributed from MSC to the  the VEGF expression in tumor cells. Opposite
           recipient cell by exosome (Villarroya-Beltri  results were reported by Zhu and colleagues
           et al. 2014).                             (Zhu et al. 2012) who showed that in vivo appli-
              MSC derived exosomes carry nucleic acids  cation of MSC-derived exosomes activated extra-
           proteins (cytokines chemokines) and lipids. In  cellular signal-regulated kinase1/2 (ERK1/2)
           cargo of MSC-derived exosomes 4850 unique  pathway in tumor cells that resulted with the
           gene products and 4150 miRNAs have been   enhanced  expression  of  VEGF,  increased
           detected and identified by mass spectrometry  neo-angiogenesis and accelerated tumor growth.
           antibody array and microarray analysis (Lai  Intravenous transplantation of MSC-derived
           et al. 2012; Chen et al. 2010). Furthermore,  exosomes  improves  neurogenesis,  neurite
           proteasome  subunits  were  observed  in  remodeling and angiogenesis after ischemic
           MSC-derived exosomes (Carayon et al. 2011). It  brain injury (Xin et al. 2013). Therapy based on
           has been revealed that the 20S proteasome is  the delivery of MSC-derived exosomes promoted
           responsible for degradation of intracellular oxida-  axonal growth and significantly increased the
           tive damaged proteins which may partly contrib-  number of neuroblasts and ECs in ischemic and
           ute  to  the  cardioprotective  activity  of  injured regions of central nervous system (CNS)
           MSC-derived exosomes (Lai et al. 2012).   (Xin et al. 2013). MSCs communicate with brain
           Through the activation of phosphatidylinositol-  parenchymal  cells  and  regulate  neurites
           4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway  outgrowth by transferring miR-133b in neurons
           MSC-derived exosomes increased levels of aden-  and astrocytes via exosomes (Xin et al. 2012)
           osine triphosphate (ATP) reduced oxidative stress  which could be a promising therapeutic strategy
           attenuated myocardial ischemic injury and pro-  in the treatment of spinal cord injury.
           moted myocardial viability and cardiac function
           (Lai et al. 2010; Li et al. 2013), indicating their
           potential therapeutic use in the treatment of 3  Modulation of Immune
           myocardial ischemia (Arslan et al. 2013)         Response and Inflammation
              The presence of nucleic acids inside the      in the Eye by MSC-Derived
           exosomes had the crucial role in altering the fate  Exosomes
           of recipient cells. Within the nucleic acids spec-
           trum, miRNA sequences become the most inten-  MSCs have capacity to synthesize and secrete a
           sively investigated (Zaharie et al. 2015; Berindan-  broad spectrum of exosomes, significantly more
           Neagoe and Calin 2014). Several miRNAs,   than  other  exosome  producing  cells  of
           detected in MSC-derived exosomes, including  mesodermal  origin  (Yeo  et  al.  2013).
           miR-191, miR-222, miR-21, miR-222, and    MSC-derived exosomes are involved in impor-
           miR-6087 were responsible for increased differ-  tant physiological and pathological processes
           entiation of ECs enabling modulation of angio-  such as disposal of unwanted proteins, genetic
           genesis (Merino-González et al. 2016). Similarly,  exchange, modulation of immune response and
           through the activity of miR-494, MSC-derived  inflammation (Théry et al. 2009; Zöller 2009).
           exosomes accelerate muscle regeneration and  Immediately after engraftment, MSCs through
           promote   myogenesis   and   angiogenesis  the release of exosomes interact with multiple cell
           (Nakamura et al. 2015).                   types to elicit appropriate cellular responses:
              MSC based modulation of vascular endothelial  affect the support of stromal cells enabling main-
           growth factor (VEGF)-driven angiogenesis is  tenance of dynamic and homeostatic tissue micro-
           mediated by miR contained within MSC-derived  environment (Lai et al. 2015) and modulate
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