Page 43 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 43
B. They could do this because God would deliver their hope. (23b)
III. The writer of Hebrews encouraged his brethren to focus on stirring one another
up to love and good works. (24-25)
A. They could do this by not neglecting to meet together. (25a)
B. They could do this by encouraging one another. (25b)
…By confidently drawing near to God.
…By consistently holding fast the confession of their hope.
…By focusing on stirring one another up to love and good works.
Exegetical Proposition:
The brethren could embrace the privileges that Christ’s sacrifice afforded them by
confidently drawing near to God, consistently holding fast the confession of their hope,
and focusing on stirring one another up to love and good works.
Remember, the goal of this step is to exegete the passage of scripture in order to determine what the
original message of the author was to the people of his day.
6.4 Let’s Practice…
1 - 3. From text to sermon is a three-step process. State and explain the three steps?
6.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Activity: Just for practice, take a recent sermon you preached and check through it to see if the
components of what you have learned are a part of your sermon plan. Did you follow the three-
step process? Does your outline look like the examples presented? What can you modify in
future sermons to incorporate what you have learned in this lesson?