Page 47 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 47
1. It is profitable for doctrine.
2. It is profitable for reproof.
3. It is profitable for correction.
4. It is profitable for instruction in righteousness.
...Because of the faithful people that have taught it to us.
...Because of the unique nature of that which we have been taught.
Homiletical Proposition:
We need to remain loyal to the truth of God’s Word because of the faithful people that have
taught it to us and because of the unique nature of that which we have been taught.
Final Homiletical Outline of II Timothy 3:14-17
Telemarketers annoy me. I understand that their job is to make their product look good
enough for me to buy, but I hate it when they try to deceive me to accomplish their purpose.
They are doing just what Satan does to us all the time. They are trying to get me to disregard
the truth in order that I might buy their inferior product.
Satan hates the truth and we minister in a world that hates the truth. Many are disregarding
it for what seems to be something better; however, little do they know that such a pursuit
leads only to emptiness and ruin. Because truth is being disregarded in our world today, it is
imperative that we remain loyal to the truth of God’s Word.
Transition w/ Key Word:
Our text gives us two reasons why we should remain loyal to the truth of God’s Word. The
first reason why we should remain loyal to the truth of God’s Word is…
I. Because of the heritage from which it came. (14-15)
A. It came from the influence of godly teachers. (14)
B. What they taught has the power to transform us. (15)
Transition w/ Key Word:
The first reason why we should remain loyal to the truth of God’s Word is because of the
heritage from which it came. The second reason is…
II. Because it is a God-given book that touches real life. (16-17)
A. It has a divine origin. (16a)
B. It changes lives. (16b-17)
1. It is profitable for doctrine.