Page 46 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 46

B.  They can do this because God will deliver their hope. (23b)

                       III.   They can focus on stirring one another up to love and good works. (24-25)

                            A.  They can do this by not neglecting to meet together. (25a)

                            B.  They can do this by encouraging one another. (25b)

                       …By confidently drawing near to God.
                       …By consistently holding fast the confession of their hope.
                       …By focusing on stirring one another up to love and good works.

                       Theological Proposition:
                       Believers can embrace the privileges that Christ’s sacrifice affords them by confidently
                       drawing near to God, consistently holding fast the confession of their hope, and focusing
                       on stirring one another up to love and good works.

               Remember, the goal of this step is to standardize the passage of scripture in order to determine what
               message is there for all people of all time.

               Basic Homiletical Outline of II Timothy 3:14-17

                     The context in which Timothy would minister is common to the context in which we minister
                     today. Thus, Paul’s warning to Timothy is fitting for us as well. People today have an instinctive
                     disregard for truth. They favor their own selfish desires. For this reason, we need to remain
                     loyal to the truth.

                     Why we should remain loyal to the truth of God’s Word…

                     I.   We need to remain loyal because of the faithful people that have taught us the
                          life-changing truth. (14-15)

                          A.  We need to remember those who have taught us. (14)

                          B.  We need to remember the power of what they taught us. (15)

                     II.   We need to remain loyal because of the nature of the life-changing truth we have
                          been taught. (16-17)

                          A.    We have been taught the very words of God Himself. (16a)

                          B.    We have been taught that which will make us capable for effective service.

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