Page 44 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 44

Study Section 7:  Exegetical, Theological, and Homiletical Outlining -

               71 Connect

                          An outline to a sermon is like the skeleton on which the rest of our body is hung.  It forms
                          the foundation and basic structure of the sermon.  From the outline, we can build the
                          important points and illustrations, but without an outline, the sermon will wander without
                          central ideas holding it together.  Today we want to continue learning how to create a
                          theological outline on which to build our homiletical presentation.

                7.2 Objectives

                       1. The student should be able to develop an exegetical, theological, homiletical, outlines for two
                       suggested passages: II Tim. 3: 14-17 and Hebrews 10:19-25.

                7.3 Title of Course

                          Theological Outline of II Timothy 3:14-17

                          The context in which Timothy would minister is common to all people of New Testament
                          times. Thus, Paul’s warning to Timothy is fitting for all believers in Jesus. People since
                          the cross have an instinctive disregard for truth. They favor their own selfish desires. For
                     this reason, believers need to remain loyal to the truth.

                     Why believers should remain loyal to the truth of God’s Word…

                     I.   Believers need to remain loyal because of the faithful people that have taught them the
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