Page 45 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 45

life-changing truth. (14-15)

                          A.  They need to remember those who have taught them. (14)

                          B.  They need to remember the power of what they taught them. (15)

                     II.   Believers need to remain loyal because of the nature of the life-changing truth
                          they have been taught. (16-17)

                          A.    They have been taught the very words of God Himself. (16a)

                          B.    They have been taught that which will make them capable for effective
                                service. (16b-17)

                                1.  It is profitable for doctrine.
                                2.  It is profitable for reproof.
                                3.  It is profitable for correction.
                                4.  It is profitable for instruction in righteousness.

                     ...Because of the faithful people that have taught it to them.
                     ...Because of the unique nature of that which they have been taught.

                     Theological Proposition:
                     Believers need to remain loyal to the truth of God’s Word because of the faithful people
                     that have taught it to them and because of the unique nature of that which they have been

               Theological Outline of Hebrews 10:19-25

                       Believers everywhere can freely enter the sanctuary of God because of the way opened
                       for them by the blood of Jesus (cf.19-20). Christ Himself functions as their high priest over
                       the house of God (cf.21). Considering these truths, believers should embrace the new
                       privileges that Christ’s sacrifice has afforded them.

                       How believers can embrace the privileges that Christ’s sacrifice affords them…

                       I.   They can confidently draw near to God. (22)

                            A.  They can do this because their hearts have been cleansed. (22b)

                            B.  They can do this because their bodies have been cleansed. (22c)

                       II.    They can consistently hold fast the confession of their hope. (23)

                            A.  They can do this because God promised their hope. (23b)

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