Page 23 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 23
Dial-In Window Marker Timken
ALL78205 Wheel Bearing Grease
Easy on, easy off white marker works well on
glass and plastic. 3 oz. bottle has a built-in felt
Castrol SRF Brake Fluid ALL78115
Castrol SRF brake fluid has a wet boiling point of
518°F (270°C) which exceeds DOT 3 and 4 stan- Part No. Description
dards. Do not mix this product with other brake ALL78240 14 Oz. Cartridge Standard
fluids, as this will reduce the benefits of Castrol ALL78241 16 Oz. Tub Standard
SRF. 1 liter bottle (33.8 oz.) ALL78242 14 Oz. Cartridge High Temp. Synthetic
ALL78243 4 oz. Tube Performance Racing Grease
Fogging Oil ALL78220
Spray aerosol lubricant (with special additives) into
AP Radi-CAL R2 (Super 600) the intake and spark plug holes to coat and lubricate
Hi-Temp Racing Brake Fluid the cylinders, valves and valve seats. Prevents horse-
ALL78108 power-robbing corrosion and eliminates scuffing at
start-up after periods of storage. May be used in all
Designed for extreme, high tempera- 2- or 4-cycle, carbureted or fuel injected gasoline
ture racing conditions with a dry boiling engines in cars, trucks, motorhomes,
point of 594°F and a wet boiling point of ATV’s, etc. Sold in a 12 oz. can. Shipment Only
383°F. Conforms to DOT 4 specifications.
Sold in 16.9 oz. bottle.
Fuel Fragrances
Fuel fragrances can be
added to most types of
fuels including methanol,
nitromethane, gasoline
and also may be used in
AP Radi-CAL R3 (AP PRF) 2-cycle mixtures. Avail-
Brake Fluid ALL78116 able in many scents in
Developed for extreme, high temperature racing a resealable 4 oz. bottle
conditions with a typical dry boiling point of 617°F – enough to treat 30-55 gallons of alcohol or 20 Ground
and a wet boiling point of 383°F. Conforms to DOT gallons of gasoline. Mixes clear with fuel. Shipment Only
4 specifications. Sold in 16.9 oz. bottle. Part No. Description Part No. Description
ALL78123 Cinnamon ALL78132 Cotton Candy
ALL78124 Cherry ALL78133 Raspberry
ALL78125 Blueberry ALL78134 Tangerine
Motul 600 Brake Fluid ALL78126 Banana ALL78135 Reefer Madness
ALL78117 ALL78128 Fruit Punch ALL78137 Green Apple
100% synthetic brake fluid has an ALL78129 Pina Colada ALL78138 Strawberry
extremely high boiling point helping ALL78130 Root Beer ALL78139 Watermelon
to prevent vapor lock and brake fade ALL78131 Bubble Gum
during hard use. Motul 600 exceeds DOT
3 and DOT 4 specifications. Dry boiling Upper Lube Fuel Additive
point 594°F, wet boiling point 421°F. Upper Lube is a high temperature
Sold in 16.9 oz. bottle. cylinder lube that protects and extends
engine life. Added directly to the fuel,
Upper Lube reduces fuel wash down,
chalky residue and corrosion, while
lubricating cylinders, valves, guides,
Motul 660 Brake Fluid and fuel system components. It mixes
ALL78118 completely, won’t separate from fuel,
100% synthetic brake fluid is specifically leaves no varnish residue and does not contain a Shipment Only
designed to resist extreme temperature generated flame agent. One 16 oz. bottle treats 55 gallons of
by racing carbon and ceramic brakes. Motul 660 alcohol, 150 gallons of gasoline, or 110 gallons of ethanol.
exceeds DOT 3, DOT 4 and DOT 5.1 specifications. Part No. Description
Dry boiling point 617°F, wet boiling point 401°F. ALL78100 Upper Lube
Sold in 16.9 oz. bottle. ALL78120 Upper Lube With Cherry Fragrance
ALL78122 Upper Lube With Grape Fragrance