Page 24 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 24


          Aluminum Tank Radiators                           Direct Fit Radiators            ALL30300
           Excellent quality at an affordable price. Filler necks ar e ma-  Aluminum direct fi t radia-
          chined, not stamped, and tanks are furnace  brazed, not epoxied,   tors provide increased cooling
          eliminating two prime sources of leakage. The lightweight 1"   over original copper radiator.
          tubes, arranged in two rows, offer outstanding cooling in race   Designed for performance
          cars, off-road vehicles and street machines. Width listed is over-  vehicles, features include
          all, including tanks.                             machined billet aluminum fi ller
                                                            necks, fully welded construction
          Single Pass                                       and two rows of large 1" tubes
           1-1/2" inlets and 1-3/4" out-                    properly spaced for maximum airfl ow
          lets have beaded hose fi ttings.                   and cooling on the street even at lower speeds.
          GM                                                Built-in automatic transmission coolers. O.E. fan shrouds may
                                                            require modifi cation for installation.
            Part No.  Description
            ALL30010  19" x 22"                               Part No.               Description
            ALL30011  19" x 24"                              ALL30300        1967-69 GM F-Body (Camaro and Firebird)
            ALL30012  19" x 26"                                        PS Outlet, DS Inlet, 31"W x 19-1/2"H overall, 23"W x 18"H core
            ALL30014  19" x 28"                              ALL30301        1970-81 GM F-Body (Camaro and Firebird)
            ALL30016  19" x 31"                                       PS Outlet, DS Inlet, 26"W x 19-1/2"H overall, 20-1/2"W x 18"H core
            ALL30042  16" x 28"                              ALL30302        1982-92 GM F-Body (Camaro and Firebird)
                                                                      PS Outlet, DS Inlet, 30"W x 19-1/2"H overall, 24-1/2"W x 18"H core
          Ford/Chrysler                                      ALL30304      1968-77 GM A-Body (Chevelle, Cutlass, LeMans)
            Part No.  Description                                     PS Outlet, DS Inlet, 34"W x 19-1/2"H overall, 28-1/2"W x 18"H core
            ALL30020  19" x 22"                              ALL30306               1966-80 Mopar
            ALL30021  19" x 24"                                       DS Outlet, PS Inlet, 29"W x 19-1/2"H overall, 22-1/2"W x 18"H core
            ALL30022  19" x 26"                              ALL30308              1964-66 Mustang
            ALL30024  19" x 28"                                        PS Outlet, PS Inlet, 19-3/4"W x 21"H overall, 18"W x 16"H core
            ALL30026  19" x 31"                              ALL30310              1979-93 Mustang
            ALL30043  16" x 28"                    ALL30022          DS Outlet, PS Inlet, 29-3/4"W x 19-1/2"H overall, 24-1/2"W x 18"H core
                                                            1955-56 Chevy Aluminum Radiator ALL30005
          Plastic Tank Radiators                              A direct replacement for all
           Uniquely designed plastic tank radiators with aluminum core   1955-56 Chevy passenger cars
                                                            with six cylinder engines, also
          offer over a 22% gross weight savings to comparable aluminum   ideal for 1955-57 Chevy V8’s with
          tank radiators when fi lled with coolant. These performance radia-  long style water pumps. Radiator
          tors also provide 6% better cooling than aluminum tank radiators.   has mounting brackets that posi-
          Tanks are fastened to the core with multi-clamps and an o-ring   tion it in front of the core support
          gasket, a process similar in design to many of today’s high per-  bar, two rows of 1" tubes, furnace
          formance late model muscle cars. Corrosion resistant tanks have   brazed tanks, a machined billet
          molded in 1-1/2" inlet and 1-3/4" beaded hose outlets. Widths   fi ller neck with over fl ow fi tting,
          are overall including tanks.
                                                            drain petcock, 1/2"NPT bung for
                                                            additional temperature sender/
           • Lightweight Design
                                                            switch and mounting clips. The
           • 22% Weight Savings
                                                            built-in automatic transmission cooler
           • 6% Better Cooling
                                                            has 1/4"NPT fi ttings. 23-1/4"H x 23-1/4"W. Core
           • Corrosion Resistant
                                                            width is 22".
          Single Pass                                       1957 Chevy Aluminum Radiator ALL30007
          GM                                                  A direct replacement for all
            Part No.  Description                           1957 Chevy passenger cars with
           ALL30050  19" x 22"                              six cylinder engines, also ideal for
           ALL30051  19" x 24"                              V8’s with long style water pumps
           ALL30052  19" x 26"                              that require additional space
           ALL30053  19" x 28"                   ALL30052
           ALL30054  19" x 31"                              between engine and radiator. Ra-
                                                            diator features mounting brackets
                                                            that position the radiator in front
                                                            of the core support bar, two rows
            Part No.  Description
           ALL30320  19" x 22"                              of 1" tubes, furnace brazed tanks,
           ALL30321  19" x 24"                              a machined billet fi ller neck with
           ALL30322  19" x 26"                              over fl ow fi tting, drain petcock,
           ALL30324  19" x 28"                              1/2"NPT bung for additional
           ALL30326  19" x 31"                              water temperature sender/switch
                                                            and mounting clips. The built-in automatic transmission cooler has
                                     ALL30322               1/4"NPT fi ttings. 23-1/4"H x 23-1/4"W. Core width is 22".

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