Page 19 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 19


                 Tubing End Caps                                    Weld-On Nuts
                  Steel end caps weld to the end or                  Weld these steel nuts into a predrilled
                 inside of tubing to provide a clean                hole to provide a strong and easy method of
                 look, prevent sharp exposed edges                  bolting brackets or accessories to chassis.
                 and seal tubes to keep out dirt and                Nuts are often used when the back side of
                 debris. Caps are commonly used on                  a fastener in not accessible and they allow   ALL18546
                 ends of bumpers, to fill existing holes in          quicker installation and/or removal of chassis
                 frames and as a flat gusset when butt joining       components.
                 sections of square or rectangular tubing. Package of 10.
                       Part No.       Description     Thickness     1/4"-20 Nut for 3/8" Hole
                 Round End Caps                                           Part No.       Description
                      ALL22280         7/8" O.D.        .125"            ALL18546      (5/16" UHL), 4-Pack
                      ALL22285         1" O.D.          .125"           ALL18546-25    (5/16" UHL), 25-Pack
                      ALL22281        1-1/4" O.D.       .125"
                      ALL22286        1-3/8" O.D.       .125"       3/8"-16 Nut for 3/4" Hole
                      ALL22282        1-1/2" O.D.       .125"              Part No.         Description
                      ALL22283        1-5/8" O.D.       .125"             ALL18549      Short (3/8" UHL), 4-Pack
                      ALL22287       1-11/16" O.D.      .125"            ALL18549-25    Short (3/8" UHL), 25-Pack
                      ALL22284        1-3/4" O.D.       .125"             ALL18550       Long (7/8" UHL), 4-Pack
                 Square End Caps                                         ALL18550-25    Long (7/8" UHL), 25-Pack
                      ALL22290         1" x 1"          .085"
                      ALL22291        1.5" x 1.5"       .085"       1/2"-13 Nut for 3/4" Hole
                      ALL22292         2" x 2"          .085"          Part No.     Description
                 Rectangle End Cap                                     ALL18551  Short (3/8" UHL), 4-Pack
                      ALL22294         2" x 3"          .085"         ALL18551-25  Short (3/8" UHL), 25-Pack
                                                                       ALL18552  Long (7/8" UHL), 4-Pack
                 Gussets                                              ALL18552-25  Long (7/8" UHL), 25-Pack
                  Gussets add support and
                 strength to tubing joints when                     Battery Boxes
                 building roll cages or chassis                      Universal, lightweight steel
                 mounts. Solid, one or three hole gussets are 1-7/8" tall x 1/8"   battery boxes may be welded or
                 thick. Reinforced gussets are 2-1/8" tall x 1/8" thick with a rolled   bolted to the frame. Boxes are avail-
                 edge for added strength.                           able in two sizes and include hold down
                      Description    10-Pack Part No.  100-Pack Part No.  hardware.
                        Solid          ALL22192       ALL22192-100    Part No.        Description
                     With One Hole     ALL22194       ALL22194-100    ALL76100  Full Size, 12" Wide x 7-1/4" Deep
                     With Three Holes   ALL22196      ALL22196-100    ALL76101  Short Style, 10" Wide x 7-1/4" Deep
                 Wrap Around Gussets ALL22199                       Bolt-On Battery Boxes
                  Gussets fit 1.50" to 1.75" tubing and               Battery box has multiple 1/2" mount-
                 can be used to join tubing from 70° to 110°.       ing holes to bolt box directly to the frame
                 Wrap around style gussets are 1/16" thick and      rail, inner fender or firewall. Box can also be
                 provide more support and rigidity than a stan-     fastened to round tubing using clamp-on ballast
                 dard flat gusset. Sold in packs of 10.              brackets. Constructed of 13 gauge steel, measures   ALL76103
                                                                    11" wide x 7" deep and includes 3/8" battery hold
                 Rub Rail Flange ALL60023                           down hardware.
                  Flanges are 3/16" thick and commonly used           Part No.  Description
                 when building bolt-on style rub rails. Center        ALL76102   Clear Zinc
                 hole accepts 1-1/4" tubing and has two 3/8"
                 mounting holes spaced 2-1/4" apart. Package
                 of 4.                                              Stainless Steel Drop-Out
                                                                    Battery Box ALL76105
                                                                     The perfect battery box where battery
                 Charging Post Bracket ALL60064                     mounts under floor. Eases battery ser-
                  Securely mount Allstar charging posts             vice and replacement. Box is 10-1/2" wide,
                 on vehicles where battery is not easily            7" deep, and 9-1/2" tall and will accept most
                 accessible. Predrilled holes allow quick mount-    standard batteries.
                 ing to frame or body. Double-D hole design positions posts close
                 together, but provides enough room for charging or jumper cable   Drag Race Battery Box
                 clamps. Charging posts sold separately.
                                                                     Drag Race style battery box may
                                                                    be welded or bolted to any chassis.
                                                                    Lightweight box is 7-1/4" wide x 10-
                                                                    1/4" deep, and includes hold down.

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