Page 14 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 14
Pedal Rod Extensions Combination Valves
Steel exten- Multi-purpose valves are used in the brake
sions have 3/8"- system to properly distribute fluid to the
24 threads and are often used to connect the brake pedal to the front and rear brakes, meter the amount of
master cylinder or booster using a female rod end or a clevis. fluid and pressure delivered to each brake ALL41040
Part No. Description and provide an option to connect a warning
ALL41027 4-3/4" Long Overall With 3" of Male Thread light to alert in case of brake failure.
ALL41028 9" Long Overall With 1" of Male Thread Part No. Description
ALL41040 Disc/Drum
Brake Pedal Clevis ALL41026 ALL41042 Disc/Disc
Clevis fastens to the brake pedal arm to Related Part
accept a threaded rod extension or power Part No. Description
brake booster pushrod. Clevis is threaded ALL41044 Connector For Warning Light
for a 3/8"-24 rod and has a 3/8" pin.
Check Valves
Plunger Style Residual check valves hold
Brake Light Switch a small amount of pressure ALL41048
in the brake system to keep
ALL76253 the brake system function-
Popular two terminal brake light switch found in most vehicles ing properly while helping
from the 1950’s to today. Ideal for most applications, switch is to maintain a firm pedal.
spring loaded to the on position and turns off when contacted Maintaining system pres- ALL41049
by the brake pedal assembly. Switch has 1/2" threads with jam sure prevents fluid from returning to the master cylinder
nuts for easy mounting in a bracket, and two .250" blade type when the master cylinder is positioned lower than or close to the
terminals. same height as the calipers or wheel cylinders. Proper system
pressure also keeps piston and wheel cylinder seals expanded
Lever Style ALL76250 creating a positive seal and brake pads seated against the rotor.
Brake Light Switch ALL76250 Valves include two 3/16" inverted flare fittings.
Switch is commonly used with under-floor Part No. Description
mounted brake pedal assemblies when ALL41048 2 Lb. For Disc Brakes
switch can contact the brake pedal arm. ALL41049 10 Lb. For Drum Brakes
Spring loaded switch is designed to return to the Brake Bleeder Bottles
open position and has two #10-32 tapped mount- Contain the mess of bleeding
ing holes, 5/8" on centers. Designed for easy two wire brakes by capturing fluid in this
connection, one "+" supply and the other to power brake lights or 16oz. bottle with a 12" long hose
a brake light relay. Switch is rated at 4.5 amps and features two which attaches to most bleeder
male bullet terminals.
screws. The removable cap has a
built-in fitting to secure the hose
Pressure Activated Brake Light Switches during storage to help prevent
Switch is plumbed into the brake spills. Choose from a steel lanyard ALL11019 ALL11018 ALL11017
system and is activated by clos- retainer that suspends the bottle
ing the electrical connection with from a chassis or suspension component or a magnet retainer to
rising brake pressure (60-120 PSI). secure the bottle to a steel object such as a brake drum or rotor
Designed for easy two wire connec- during bleeding. ALL11017 has a magnet retainer and a one way
tion, one "+" supply and the other to ALL76252 ALL76251 check valve built-in for one person brake bleeding.
power brake lights or a brake light Part No. Description
relay. Switches are rated at 4.5 amps and have 1/8"-27 dry seal ALL11019 Bottle With Lanyard
mounting threads. ALL11018 Bottle With Magnet
ALL11017 Bottle With Magnet And Check Valve
Part No. Description
ALL76251 Male Bullet Terminals Electric Line Lock Kit
ALL76252 6-32 Screw Terminals
An electrically controlled valve that
engages with a switch, holds pressure
Proportioning Valve to the front brakes on drag race
ALL48025 vehicles. Commonly used to
Adjust front-to-rear brake bias prevent vehicles from rolling
with the twist of a knob. Provides up once they have staged or during
to 57% reduction. Fitting ports are burn outs in the water box. Detailed ALL48012
1/8"NPT. Valve includes two fittings installation instructions included.
to adapt to 3/16" brake line. 1" long, Part No. Description
1-3/4" wide and 3-5/16" tall. ALL48012 Electric Line Lock Master Kit
ALL48013 Electric Line Lock Kit With Fittings
ALL48014 Electrical Hardware Kit