Page 10 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 10
Access Panel Kits Dragster Scoops
Aluminum panels can be mounted to provide easy access to Strong yet lightweight, fi ber- ALL23272
dry sump pump tanks, fuel cells or other under panel items. Kits glass scoops have a durable,
include frame, access door, hinge, quick turn fastener and quick black high-gloss, seamless
turn fastener spring. Sizes refer to door opening dimensions, add gelcoat fi nish. Complete instal-
2" for installed dimensions. lation on 4500 series carburetors
requires a tray mounting kit which
mounts between carb and intake
manifold to secure ALL23288 scoop tray. Scoops are
typically secured to tray with quick turn fasteners
and hardware (sold separately).
Part No. Overall Height Overall Length Width
ALL23270 16" 33" 14"
ALL23272 15-1/2" 25-1/2" 14"
ALL23274 20-1/2" 29-1/2" 14"
ALL18530 ALL18541
Dragster Scoop Tray ALL23288
Size Clear Black Fiberglass scoop tray is the lower
6" x 6" ALL18530 ALL18540 portion of the scoop or plenum that
8" x 8" ALL18531 ALL18541 directs air into the carburetor and pro-
6" x 14" ALL18532 ALL18542 vides a strong base for mounting Allstar
10" x 14" ALL18533 ALL18543 Performance as well as other dragster scoops
14" x 14" ALL18534 ALL18544
which are commonly fastened with quick turn
Replacement Parts fasteners. Tray fi ts most 4500 series carburetors
and attaches to many popular scoop tray mounts. Tray measures
Part No. Description
ALL18990 Quick Turn Fastener, 10-Pack 3" tall x 21-5/8" long x 13-1/2" wide.
ALL19300 Quick Turn Fastener Spring, 10-Pack
Dial-In Boards
Ludwig Clamps ALL18232 A great alternative to messy shoe polish
Clamps are used to secure access panels, when displaying your ET dial-in. Highly vis-
deck lids and a variety of other items in ible, 3” tall white numerals help to ensure
place. Zinc plated carbon steel correct times are entered in the tower. Each numeral has seven
clamps have a 3/16" mounting pivoting sections that are easily changed to quickly adjust dial-in
hole allowing clamp to be bolted or time. Available with mounting holes for a standard dial-in board
riveted in place. Package of 4. bracket or ALL23293 with suction cups and hook/loop tape.
Part No. Description
Body Reinforcing Plates ALL23291 3 Digit With Mount Holes
4 Digit With Mount Holes
Plates help protect fi berglass and ALL23292 4 Digit With Suction Cups And Hook/Loop Tape
aluminum panels from cracking
when using 7/16" quick turn fasteners. Stainless steel plates are Dragster Nose
precision stamped with a strengthening border, attach with 1/8"
rivets and measure 2" wide x 1" tall. ALL23278
Aerodynamic fi berglass
Part No. Description
ALL18985 10-Pack nose is strong, yet light-
ALL18985-50 50-Pack weight and is fi nished with
a durable, black high-gloss
Aero Scoops seamless gelcoat. Nose is
Aerodynamically de- 10” tall x 11” wide x 29”
signed fi berglass scoops long with a 1” mounting fl ange.
are strong yet light-
weight with a durable, Spoiler Supports
black high-gloss, seam- ALL23284 Aluminum support
less gelcoat fi nish and has strong 1/4"
a 2" wide mounting fl ange. Open back scoops have an angled 6" steel rod ends with
tall rear opening to fi t most windshields. hardware. Center
tube has left- and ALL23022
Overall Overall Width
Part No. Description Height Length w/o Flange right-hand threaded ends for quick 7-1/2" To 8-3/4"
ALL23280 Open Back 13-1/2" 50" 15-1/2" adjustments. 1/4"-20 mounting CTC
ALL23282 Open Back 13" 50" 15-1/2" hardware included. Sold each.
ALL23284 Closed Back 12" 38" 15-1/2" Part No. Description ALL23023
ALL23022 6"
9-1/2" To 10-3/4"
ALL23023 8" CTC